_FY 49-50 COB Adopted Budget : w n: :;ts:r;^R.; .,t.E:'�::f � :4 ,Cv; cZ � 3 '�G yk ,�L*St• ::.::.......... .:...........�.... .:.:._:.. _..... Jar.,. J..: ..,.3..,. '::r.,... .. x .....:::...........>...:.:.:.....W.........:.::.:.:.......,...::::,:.:.:::,....::.,,,.... .�..,..:.,f..a..a.. :.... . .....X'.:.3'L..., `..rrY:.x:::nrra,..:'v'.fa_��+-��'^.at ^.<::'"3x:�.t?�Er:£` :''?A333`: :M;•e` ..,::.:.....::::r,,............:::::.:..........:::>:::::.:..... o::,.,:^.. .< ... s,. .v. ,*�fx;.z.. .... sue::.::......:.::,�. :.•7it: 4. .:.,.... ..:.:.::r.:.........a,.:.:.::..,...... ,...:..m.,.,t..., ,:: .. ..:.... .:.:..tea,....... .. :..a,. °�'�����; :.34 .k: ,,..�. :........ ..........f. •,:..,.� .. :,. , .,., �.. .,fie :�.�>�,- :>, .:.......:. .....::........... ............. .......r......... t....: ., .....::., ........... .....,... .tJ,. r.. f N.{::;. .'a�".'.::�.:.:....w`';:'�:`:::33:'::::rrr:. A 29 z n r.s.. 5 ys f '9`rya C d4. ^'•AHq^.� 'Y4 ���a`..- Y $ �j„ ��:: � y � r S N 9<. ""tea � � ��,` �sV •n. : .�.wra - �>� �. �, �, .r' ,'�:�.'� w ..� . -a^mN > ���x2�,��;•�Sr �.w ..£ ''f� ��� w.�� � v�;5r, � M�r�"c�,�i. � �� ���5��s�c: _.:� ,• :� '"tom'"�. '9 :b �. f xpy. .. � &,�x�„K� ai;�w�9k S' � 'Y�i�� '�� '�.�M �n � �:y_ pp N3:lift ,as s n � z y � 4 `" 4r :az:•R a.0 - �"1st.x: ` ..,'a 4 £ no . � .�>.c,?: �.a4.n��"'" x rrt£2':Y CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS TABIE CjF COT'UENITS k:,a5-' e No. sm r T: tu- c t 4 r i ia r s h s s a g i:1 Y-1. a 1 DArret ac r Ic 'y Revenuese a e v a o 0 0 k" J aAd e' 3,,uiziary — Expend'tures. I r_1 r 1 .& ej 2 Tax lozi.- VJI.E.3, ai,j..d-- C,,"ollections fcr All F mds 0 10 0 0 0 a 3 A. pe 1 r a lua t n..) yS rt VI 'F. id 2 .0's oux c e s C. kui)ction and A ct iv i tr R pr - d. i, u.. ,,, c, -LY a 4D nd 3n by7pe 1- IC3.4 L - C h,,- n, r - c r a nd Gb- 'ect b e turc 'l Lp 9 76 J)A R" .0 ITS MCI,' OD 'TUH,7..1,,3 U G'E11 !ELN L FUI 41D T rcrruiient GIC'r.icl 1 GavIa-, * <,. a A 3r C ounc. tlC 'I T, - c Lt'y I lanar41o, oil o rporat 1 11 rt 12Elec., ions Finance j'.. City Hall. 20 ea- 10lic 6 0 0 0 0 lb 0 a 2"' 2 Fire Depaxtm ent.-o 0 0 4D 24 26 C" 0 i-d g1hway.. Roadmys 10 40 200 Street, Lizhting e 4, a* *,boar; &,o 0000e* 30 31 t c 2 v a n ancl " wTiste lZe Se. v','re' r 's u-1 3 e vi -a g e D i s po s a J_ 31 r aaste Vow.3_c_-)ction and Dispcsal 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 a 0 Consei;vat ion, . IL lealth 0 41 a 0 0 0 0 0 m 0 a 35 R a (' r f :' t i o n i• hful '%'I (, 1 36 1-1 r1av,,:round s arid Playfi e ld s . . 0 0 m a 0 0 a 0 0 0 3 r? S c: 11 - ou -) ct n: 1 01 i a),- a ge . 0 0 0 OD 6 6 a 0 0 0 0 0 Is 10 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 38 1 ") . e e6e* tieo D*omooe • aco eo o i-h siff.,,ario 40 0 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXA I'a g e 7 J. ' 7(N,l T RK S SECT ',,"a Ei R 401 J,- Ilacorae and &pense Statement 42 43 a e 0Ipp a; ITI. ib ion. cansr on "arl(q, D ut1. a,st•- 1 0 cil Is t cone- e- r 11!5 Acc -ant ing and Collec.0r-"' 49 e 51 aDebtSenrice Aft PART I To TRAil"'FIC ILTRUVETEL'Tf FlUIND Zrc'peryditiixes by 1--la ra c t e r ,-3, nd OL) 'ect 52 A 53 q r-COL FUND of Exj_-)enditulre&cj-- by Character.- and go 'e- ct ye ngPon-.,k to too*** 000 PART DTI. DEB"T' SERVICE 3EICTI014' 711. c,sourc-,es and, Requdlx erients A 11 Bond s 0 .0 10 0 0 a 0 0 58 U & denle ral Obligation Bonds 59 74ater Works Revenae Bonds 40•60 of All Bonds 0 • 0 9 0 0 61 k t- t itlLy, 3c.'Cledulesc Geney..,a]. Mligation Bonds.* * 0 6 0 0 10 0 63 later Works Re -venue ands o o o 3 . e s e 64 lw'fat, er Works lax—&i:pport4l:.ld Bonds 65 PAITr VIIe IaSCELIANECUS Approp-ri. ation Qrdinance. 0 0 0 10 w to a 0 66 FiXi-Trig Tax F,_ite. 49 69 1 . j 11 Pcyr-')- 1 owl" rig vz-ciinance A, a 70yl Jf'cat" on of Ar'.%.c,*ountq 0 0 0 a e 0 0 a 7 2 A Al N U A L aim BUDGET CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEX THE CITY MANAGER'S BUDGET MESSCE To .the Honorable Mayor and City Council City of 1:aytcyxn Baytt own Tee s Gentlemen I&. Rwsuanito to Article 689a-13s Title 20.1 of the Revi",,Sed civil., Statutes of ad !ect' n 41 of the City Chart exq there. is sub-mitted herewith a budget1110 est-Ir-atc of the revenues and expenditures cif the various funds of the city for the fiscal year beginning October 1j, 1949., and e-ridding 3 epteinber 30., 1950,D C. I will try to make this message brief and to the point The City Of Bay— hiL33 just completed its second year of a new cityq following the consoli— dation of Pelly., Baytown and Goose Creeko The City of Baytown has made history 1 i 1-!, ith so l'ttle in such a shortin --he United States by accomplishing so much., W1. I period of time. As you gentlemen are well aware,, seemingly unsui:mountable pro i nlem,s were 1-.,anded to the administratl'ona3 and wsaid problemsith studied careswere s oIved. to a great extent T I - la revaluation program undertaken by the administration 'was a proven 1"cces `( he new budget systems with which many of the department heads were has been highly successful in its operatliono The Tax Department as created a system of tax collection3 assessment and methods of keeping its records t ha t ha. s) been hailed as one of the most corn-p'-Leteg coordinated and sim- plest method of handling the tax problem of any eit-- in Texas Many cities J. zed oti-, er tax' -ng units are using Bay -town Is system in whole or in past The purchasing system installed has enabled the c.1-3- ty to save hundreds of dollars 1*. n 'Its purchasing. EcononV of time,, labor and money has been made With the installation of machines wherever possible For, Pxain.ple, the city has a R CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS V " 1 ne Liteb1"1- boo keeping bl"11-Ing mchthat cuts tLite to half,, doi.ibling for, to IT'gg and purposes and payroll,-Tzok-ing purposes. The clity was able h it n V Ace tto t' e c' izens I he gl e betterserxof )3,ayt own 'n t` collection of garbage a MI 1.- it . trash by th,- ser ,e chan e. 01 one ($1000 dollar per fa New r -1 zvi-r truvOks vrex%e purc%I-Lased which enabled a - 41eduled Plok-uir, to be establ.-shed 1-larking rieters were 1'nostalled in the 'three busi'ness sections of the el'"',ty C11 141 '-ie 1, ce "n. the respecti've busi'nesz-,3 dis o ns tofndpark " ig spa i I. e cit,,Lze ir toapproxJ.Mtely Le average flowoftraff'. In tA -iose areas amount I nal rew- e, 1,,A)QgarsaweekoTheparki.na ? zhetex also farni'shes the city addit'o nize -vvn_..^._.h helps to proviode for beltter trafftc control and. street, 1"TkPT'LIVeme nt 3 Col 'tag -1 istratI ' on in AlIgUrated a new plan on I j iscal year ,,, .the adm' ini 0 1d_gathein -rgs. The cat manager 1'nstructed each department head to submitespect*ve jl_ ii 1 A to the city marv.c- xr g,, beai'ng in mlind. that the property I3 rLge 1,-.hax -vfas not to 'Lie Jincreased as itMdreacheditspeakIn the ability to bear urt1'.,i,,--)r taxeso T1,, se b--otekryets were s-kiibmlitted to the city ranager- and then he n held a turn " "I tted the requesfts -to the onnci l. The colancil,, '. tiar n iigsa1301135", 1 -1 serves of meeti' rid, d.' ;A earl wifh thr,,.., deparfment head, thus gain- a.,naw 'Ledrye ofthereasonsforthereqaestandgal'ned a better understands" ng r U the &par tlrfleznt head -s 'to "he whys and. wherefores connected w:'L',,th the o iflC: 4 U 1.1 o t hat Ci partme:.-nt. Recommended changes were, ri;ide- and from. the --se c.;-hang,,es 3 piled by the c stymanager. He is ncw dations I the budget was compi SU,bn-Ltt1'nP.,, t1ie ;a- rre to the counell-J-1 for approva-I...1. Irt 0 bo..Il- t:,red tl-u-t 1,hrough the experience the past 'two yrZiarD oll rt 0- ida:.,AOTI 1.., 11 -1 bu:d— budgets 1,-;`11 be more nearly complete than the precedi,ng k, gets,,, " Se I'lave gai*ned from experiencetheknomilled.ge.. o.-I' the need, of equ,"L.Prienit", ma- ter'J'-al Lcv,-, to operate the varioras dapartme.,,nta. Therefore,, it 'is believed 0 -irdll not have -to be ,a]-tered 'in, a emergencies tin's b-uw.dget I 9 g 7j It be understood 'that, nzany j'5.teTw the f1 ' -cal year. However3 let L1, M A a 4 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS n ar, Lnadaq uate too carry on the needs of the varl'ous departments PetcIV ill not, ansvi-er, mentandthat2"'t, W-11 i,nr the operation of that depart tde' upo.a it by the publdic ThJ-s camiot be done 'Lultil there 'is he TRa s 4- C 't-yr I! "F - o the, ^c'ty treazz:ury affording the i al .Iua 1,-oiTng- CL ?deans of oonal nece6oary servces.:L pr V'r I'din2theditoivaxiousadevenue1ingClt:'Les Tes axar'e31.1mitr et 0ed tothed"mhods of 5bta c'n' 0vei,s laxo Asstated c' o at J direct t 4:r_ratOnora, niiisanoe tj ly alte:,,rn the th'-ri proper y L -2. t1i- C' ty Baytoivn 1J_ has rb d ne, all f arly0tyaj`uation or -taxes that can ap1ace-1 upon it The nuizance. tax tlu,t can 1, - -1 mach-ines I uch as taxes- on juke biaxes., pin ball J. b ex bc..A. at the pre.ser± ti me. enue Into the c.)'_-ty to rake a great d" rference br',ng enough rev ild n' lut'on -to asktheStatelilttheriraeyto be needed. Ine s o, Itherefore,, Miaht be I . .'P rD le, U U 1 re of State of Ton_as to prr.m.'- deformorerr.-1-!ve.n71e for cities., such I sT, 4 he. refund.*.A-1, of, gasoline taxt':) the ctities e This adMJ.1n1)'_st1-)at1'yin will try to e-fC)ive, tto cit.-L`zens of Baytown the full dol- 1 1 1 W I it.N 'is good. 13",','^ value far, every Spent,, The f'nartc'al s*tuat'onofthecyisnoouts_,ta.n(1A '1"i.g I'lidebtedness against the city otherthan bond. issues nm., on a rnirrent pay -as -you-gc, basi's, arid,, with the closing hear we w'11 cont'nue, to be th'at 'uayo tia 01f h_s b id 9 ra r d tie 'Iepartment. heads and the. t to thank the mayor an..the co-ancile t.11 L 7. 1Lz"-ns Of Bayt, aKi 14 for their splendid c o operat-J. on of the past area and 2 Frith ty , n Texas. l fn t cooperation of all, we can corit"nue - dehve'lop into the bestclIRespectfullysubrdttedqCoIDAR,I 1M)ME7,011".1 N JIT 37- M CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS IN 0 to k- ERAL Bb - I " sI 7 MET SUMARY - EK EKD.AI-- LTU`-TRIEIT For t'.he Fisu-al Year 1949-50 Supj,-'nyrting tdgo,t Pr, oposals 7- 2 475cpeIIsis C`ap- tal WIL y 37 682j -L .L a-4 0 Debt Servic e 67 692 1UnaprropT'ated Re - e 3 790 Total 0 401 -339 L -t L aid 97 160 Ca fat 5'7 -000 Dj=bt Senri -te 49 500 to G'e--nelz"al Pand 35 00c) T -rD 1 1 086ropraated1?.c.:.-se-xives T eOi t al TraffliC Y% en 4 S81 C a r) JL T04- a mp r (j- v t .s - ry e 1.4 288 Cu .-, --re Expena,-es 8 980 Urappropriated Reserves Total 9 0"75 50 je ne,,, a Cl ID I I a t i c; r i Deb t S enr 1' c e rements 63 7 It inappropr-J.. ated Surplia,,13- 5 Total 67 6 5' 2 k,rkDel,-t Servric,2 Rind Requir e.,znem-`., Z 41 147 Si 'a.1 0" Urpli-rs 2 E-ted , If. ot a I GTEMRAL BUDGET SDIARY — RLMENUES For the Fiscal. Year 1949-50 Supporting R E V E P TU E 3 Sc-hed ale Budget Page Proposals e i -toa I Rj nd Cash on nrd $ 657 Due from, 31waLuming Pool -;,'and 425 Prom Tax Sour1;.'w',,.es 310 212 Yom N" ontax Sourltee-c-z 150345 Total 639-- 1d P. ateti, ash on Hand 9 246 Pr-om - Sale of "AL -ter 235 000 L Sjcellaneous 7 500 T 1 a- 2 5 1 74 e Tra f f ic Impr ovementb-Lund V- Cash Cn Hand (" S 288 A nit J1. c *1 Pa t ed Re v e nu e 56933281 Tot,a1 aPool Fund A;a hat 1 1pat ed Revenue 9 500 Def 1C it 425 Total 9 075 G---.-. - oral OblizatLon Debt Sr--r-v'ce Rini-. Ca.,::!, -.r -Cue from ! Aher Funds From T,-ff.. Sources 67 692 6. Oki ter r a Debt SeAvvice Fu-.,id Cas i. o-a Hand Fr or:, -gat er Opera tinf- F und 500 Total 3 49 5 III CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1% TAX 1ZV IE 3 A D ,J0jjE,-"'r 01,,TS F C_rjf, I FT T o SU 0 n f1ectc.) Percerita_-e of Collec_on of F I s, a I Total Tax CurtrenrX-r t Yea'sTaesDavy' Pr i o r Year I s I)e I DuTilil-I Fiscal DurJng F' sc, -,1 CA, Ta-em-.3 Dur, ng Per D F' s c a 1ei- od 1940 AP 2 308 3. 81'- 82 o3 6 328 13 4 `4 17 55 44? 739 3 55 772 42 75.oC- 40/ r-1 1 53 61 4 2 443o7 7 481 941-42 ow1 - 962 b 9 04* 64o73142 3 390 53 " 70. 0 79o7 0 6 13 55 4 0 7 4 7 7 0 86o2 7 010 f- Ou o6 681, 69 7P J 3 57580 32o6 12 691 4 55 P41 1. q5 k2) 15 484 1.2- 257 72 o8 4 40.2 6 219 217 9'2 9 4 05 7 12) L) t 028 11 5,32 77o4 9 63 uO 71 167, 63 799 09a6 13 145 4 6 55 9 91 ef2 j5 68 12 273 78 & 7 6 2 01- 3) 76 686 68 2 4 8900 L4 04 3 J n65 I , 61:14' 0^ 3 551 2) 1' '( k") 29 14 540 8204 2 008 Fr o ri.,. 3 t co 0----'0-4,7 d 11 u11, 1-1, 32 I 0/0 6/04 7 9 5 '?-'ff 67o8 9 991 5 326000 9208 9) 9301 000 2 7 50 306 000 285 510 930 9 2 0 Creek statist cts ( 2 Pe 11y stat at cs codAned stat'stic,,o h III -the. Goose and of thef c ayear' i.canded Jure 30oconsolidat on the f'scal _Cilel -% 4 -L,, IIt " refore, The ' 04u -4, 17 was changed toer)-di eptember '0. mt h:--i S i- rLCfd' r efA. 1'3 1k, the fOrst full ;,rear of operat'on of the peric,, 1947-48tof Ba y- L owri.,, G o e Grre' ek and CL ,a. :L"s I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS v- v,T 11DSClAX1ZvrjTE3Ad .L. CFOR. Ra+`o of Total c c mm la t r2 a 1 C 0tions to 1] E' C Acc-irmalated De- 1 inque nt Ta, es to Curl -,,- it c 1 lle 0 i crus cu 2 1 ';,-It 'Pax It, t Dc1 !11 0L I 101 1 I Ilurnent Year f s lev. r T,-2J-r E 3-5Tax Lev 1 13 i 26 6 0 61 a 6 0 54 098 402 ek 4 2r r, 56 31t.. a 0 175 14 3* 1' 7 075 1. 5 310 2 3 rr 8 004 123*4 17 1^, 0 2 7 r '38 49*7 ti 5 551 55 13 * 2 70 2 100 0 U 82 921 11c) .9 17 , 5) 6 2 e 4 2 15 6 5 9 101 * 2 55 632 359* ic 0 2 5 105*6 78 257 1 U9,0 8 56 74 100,s2 22 487 40*0 00 21 270 IJ42 *2 49 66 9 332#0 04 7 Y 44 1r)9,0 ^ u 72 15-6 101*5 62 2 OL4 1 Ito 2 -1. 25 34e7 2 0 F`54 1, L3 2 e 0 44 773 286.0 Q CJ 82 8 3 0 103-00 66 031 06.2 4 49 68 5 9400 23 499 32.2 93*7 45 93r) J, 0 . 0 11,)2 5 69 437 76 0 5 Ze Y 17 7 000 95,m5 77 700 41e9 0 2",& 950 J 9'" D 00 92 700 30e8 2 94 770 96 1 C, 0 140 30 o6 CITY OF bAYLUVVN, IV-JLAZ:l ANALYSIS OF PHOPMY VALUATICNI'S A S SE S El L 1L ALLTE u !j AS 40 000 cov luC- 5,-) 4 u 1 1-4 0 cil j L J' , . +, 1 i 74 4' cC k and, Pell-,j k Coalbinndk w Ca r a , n i, , aa! of r o - ty rp 1 7% ic a r-lucs C 4n a ty CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS UGVNEWU; RT`D iri. E TT F Uir R."Al-PEED PIROP082D 1911-8--h-9 19119-50 GENLRA11, B(IIHIMY TA)JUES: Current Ye!3r's levy 4 " S 244 700 2Q9 I/ 912Prior Yr- arls Levies 8 000 8 00C), and Interest 2 1100 2 300 Total Property T,-tyces 2 000 310 2 OTIZ;R LU-," L TAX Z 3 *0 Stjj. . % t Rft ar it 4 Charges: 11, ].Varisit C0ff1P"-'-1'-ny 1 000 1 000 Houston U- Aural CTasCorpor.'-Ition 6 000 6 1-dj,,5 houston Lighting and Power Conp,-,aW 8 000 f1N b 2 0 Sout1mecstern A.<-.,.-, oc1'1,'-'fted Telephonc-:: Cmiipf-any 2 500 2 00 1 500 1 800 r" 0 Total Other LocalTaxese19000 $ nes - 7 e ns c 2 400 2 )+ A-1.oho.lic Lb(-!verarre Ucermes r OC-) 00 so: noLicer1CherB-u. zPibt ot a 1 2 500 2 900 00 '7 P 500 TotalLicenses and TFermits 3 000 3 400 VT 4,; Aju.; Corperaticn C.-,...'urt Fine! -.- A - 0 2 1 000 21 000 all CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS T 71j '-t 01 R4114A.DA -j R .9 CURC .9. FR 0 ont i nu Ir"I -IRO 1fTC3M191 i.c1-49 1519—.) 0 FOR CTUM E'-N T .3, E RIVR' 11 S J Owd 2 1Fees 000i, i on411rcl, ec t iv e ins pe ct i ol i Fe e S-1.01J i i i F- 2 G1 00 Pen-Lito200() Elect ricc, l 1 500 1 000 Argr Per- Ats 000 2 000 tn-1 6tat sti-C.-c' 1100 t SIthFerCollectionFee,- i.-., 60 000 60 000 Total Service Charges U IvV 3TV-7'ED 71 000 $ 65 300 5 000 3 5 000 CnCNM13UTI01-',s'- S AND TIATISFER:' j 1,,UTrn 0 ji v3D, U I 12ransfero-i' '.. 1nter Utilitly h-- 0 f-it a c 45 000 35 000 T.L'and Tot.- il cd iR, e v Y W ..0Ail u e L- 00016() 557 ER 1 194 8it TGLU 11 or from GA-eneral Rind to SZvd% in- Pool Fund. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS do mw m 11,11EIRAL FIRMF iKFVT.,rF w 7, A A. URRE" B'-'L7* FUNCTION Ai",," ACTET EY Ll-'"STFICATTON T 'SIM D-E,'FA1TTVTDv'T Al"m 1948-119 council rid 3 300 Cj ty I. m. cr Gorporatic) a court 100 J -. 04 e c to i 011 s 24 106 linir 15 C 1ALt y IL,111 0111 COO s. ctal 01 jU- T I T y 0 0 G 2 1--) 42) 000 203 J'rotr,ctivinj In-pection 5 200 T ct a 1 el 1,( 77 C7 Roadwar'.. 002 000 1ce ftree-t L'i ghtin -P u *J-c; g P500 Tj 0 96 600 44 MI"Ar.'ATIOT-1 AM) ","u"iXTE RE111MVA,'T;-f is c v, 000 Waste Collection and Disposal coo T c4- 000, C0kNsE1UrAT-'[' 0`,!'j'- CF IL LT H 501 Healtil Department 31-)O RT ECIZ &I T T 6 41, o] Eluarlicipalr., Oluu 6. k1a v- c; r 0 und'. s a nd Play f i e id 0100 I Crauirmy.angPool ri 00, 3 CUB S- eePon] nlivici 1(40-c PRORZED G r. C) 2 -' L'O J- 15 180 5 3 96 0 40 4 9 A00 1, 2 C10 2 000 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS I GEC, L FUT 11D SULZARY CF EXPENDITMES BY FJNCTION AIM AC."IV1r'q,.'Y CLAS311F-ICATIGN continued) PROPOSED EIMEN7 Al"M DTV 1948--491949-50 3 a r,--, e 13 000 19 775 I r 1 s u r a Total18 700 27 075 REFAYMNIT TO SIN'h.IWG FEIID r 6 000 CM,.'4iTPTGjE1iT FUM 5 000 6 Sao n,rand Total 4l2 300 390 157 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS w QFjNML FU11a) SUZARY OF EIFENIDITURES BY CARACTER AND OBJECT CIASSIFICATION ESTIATED PROPOSED 1948--49 1949%w50 A. Selari"es and Wages 4929 900 225 710 22 720 22 760 Maintenance of land 524 275 D. Maintenance of Structures 40 400 41 350 6*4 Maintenance of Equipment 17 900 16 750 1. 111scellaneous Services 23 450 26 450 Dandry Charges 7 650 12 680 Contingent Appropriation 5 000 6 500 Repayment to Sinking Fund 6 000 Total pens e s 353 700 352 475 IT CJTLA.Y V $ 13 000 $ 15 662Mructures 6.4 uipment 45 600 22 020 Grand Total 41.2 300 390 157 I CITY OF DAYTOWN9 TEXAS DETAILED A, NNUA P R wm* r zz GEnrExAz FUND EXFEND ITURE EST II ATES now CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS I m and Wnvres neluus r 01AC' CUN'T T U, 1.1 114'L A ITIL ST 16 ii7i T.K) hf 500 orand. Total 'o I RATE Pa TTH woolm 3 250, 06 I1'=RcPosm 1549-50 0 0 0 ev 450 o'n PROPOSM"'; I o Iz h, Lp , v 0c 03 N a ME 11TES Alill) WNG'lkJA4 1 Office 1 1,J ITS ' O.JCJ , R, tSS VICES zme-- 3 - Insurance ani Bonds V 5a. vert --i sinc); C.1) 13ri. As- Ziociation Dues I - j 1 ftherCITY OF BAYTOWN, TEX Total T ot a 1 S'4, U'14DRY %03 RG7ZS and Gratuities Grai,A Total ES*'1]: L,ATM 194 8 -- L 9 1949-50 2 700 50 50 100 2 O 100 50 3 300 3 d 0 3L 000 50 4 50 100 f r- 15050a CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1 1 1 1 Arl-ICT , J cl firy 111 I'll 'A 'I E S U M M A R Y A* Saala.ries and 'F.I(ages 12 10PO p q "",)too Supplies 24-40 E. Mal"n'ten-aricta of &-.1illpme nt 100 100 Jiscellaneous Services 500 4 C) c! L Qt," 11. EX- p e; n s e s 46 Ll lldprnl 14. Le 100 60 Gz, a rxI 'r cat, a 1 13 100 10 110 j. % SAIARIES AND 'AGES RATE FER ill"K., i Wil) 191MONTHL 9-50 1 EXECTITF-TE Gil.'.y I nager 625 00 7 500 Secretary 50 00 1 -3 ie s and -tla -q- e s 9 300 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS AINIJ 7AGES 1', cut ive TeAcal SUFTLIES I Office lot or Ve hi c le TNT' FjjUtjjCE ()F EQUTPM&TT 4. Ivllo'tor Vehicles SET-`-.`.4CES 0 Nov Insixance and Bonds 1.1roling &Penses A3sociation DuesL3 - N'T Urrd'L-.ure and Fixtures A jo * CCOUNT 102 T -GE-,14-ERAL GUVERNMEDIT jCI7yMA r rs... M 0 "•.M.- 13 E'STIMATED PROPOSED 1948-49 1949-50 10 000 7 500 2 100 1 800 oA1110tal, 12 100 9 300 200 150 100 100 Total 300 250A. 100 $ 100 f4 AA 50 4 50 400 300 50 50 Total 500 400 Total Expenses 13 000 10 050 100 60 Grand T ot a 1 13 100 3 10 110 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1 1 1 1 1 A NCCOU17 "0., 103 9 G-E1-,71.wR,hL GCVER411UNT CCRvYCRATTO", CMTR.T I SUVMARY EST HATED PROPOSED 1.""48-49 1949-50 A, :.are e a,, -.-id. -0ia-ges 1 ,00 2 400 33 S 200 200 P ' y 1.!-U,.'--.ce1..-1Larieous Services 100 G " j'g,-: rjo andryCkrareC. 3 Grand Total 2 000 2 750 SA, JAR 17-EJA17 JI&-) AGES RAT E Fl§a hilofl()SM Iv, 110-INTH1949-50 A - TRATIVE c , ej-. y lec ord er 200 3 2 400 110 of& 0 N P, i ow DETA IL AND -&4GES 1. Administrative SUFF LIES 0 f i c 0"ERVICES its Commminicecit ions G. 311., 77101DRY CYiARGES 1. Uury Fees ESTILIATM PRC- POSED 1948-49 1949-50 1 800 2 400 oO n 200e 100 50 7 ff rarid To-tl-.-"L 2000 j 2 P.M CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 15 ACCCUML NO* 104 GETNERAL GUVER112ENT S u M m A R ESTIlvATED P-1RCP0,.9,ED L1948-49 194.9-50 and Ikiges 200 300 1, pl-i-es 50 60 eryIdscellaneous- Ices 50 50 300 410 DETAIL ESTIMATM FROKSED 19487-419 119419-50 ak! ARIES L.\71.) 2* Election Officials P 00 300 SUFF - LLTE,1j 1. Of: ,'ice 40 50 P- 7 io !,.- inor Instruments 10 10 Total 50 60 F SERVICES LAdvert isinc, 1 0 j 4 ) u Cr--- ind Total id 300 410 C) 12 200 p U c s f &,11-lip-mr-Ant Wo 250 F. Ifis r, 2 Of, 0 Tut,-.il Exi. 17 600 14- 64 0 u ip"I'llel"t 6 L .00 560 inc I 0 t 4 21, GOO ri 1 SAIARU4 3 AND "f4lik'GIES YECTIOSED VAJ L 949—,'-, ST T C. s _-r NT low IN- pe D-l"ALrec"t. or of R.Lni,% C1,40 400 so No Jtunior ri.cco-ii'll-tant 185 2- 2 2 0 Deputy T luc DC 2t2 400 v, '. It -1 2zi-4. i0lerlc 1615, 1 98 0 6 6 00 4 05 Tc) t,-.ii and silOeao 9 820 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ZN00 GETTERAL GOM11\11JENT TFIL.' Al'li A 2, Islon P e OF EQUIRITiNTi Aurnitai,,re and Fixturc-,,3, SCELIA., (.TS SM ICE6 17 F."I'Lloposm 1948-49 1/049-5© 2 45r()() ©0 7 200 6 600 820 3 000 j 2 500 300 250 1"Isura-lace U-inJ. on( I s 3 00 300 ha Annua I A,j-dit 1 000 1 000 Pquald- t ort Boc rd 00 450 5. Ad.v e 2. -it J.'s 100 150 6.°..,,.,.. P co ON= 100 50 Totl')k 1. Oo 1 950 C a nt, rli-b - 1, 21. t 10 yl 3. Refund ,.s-, Total Expenses E U .1' P M Nyr. 1 Fi. i-rniture and Fixtures mr nd. " Potal 100 100 am* 17 600 3 14 620 6 400 560 24 000 1 15 180 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS AP,CCU1\JT `10, 106 Cy E MERA L G OV M 1, 744v Z',-,T L A '4 S U 1111 1" A ILI Y 3STIMATM PROP OSM4 1048-49 1949-50 s s nd wages 5 400 5 200 4-1 kA 0 xr) es- 100 7 ;ellan'---lous Lces 100 250 Total EIxPeiises 5 500 5 550 J- p m nt 100 250 Grand Total 3 5 600 5 800 N., 7 Al 111E S A M -14A G E S RATE PER PROPOSED 14101rx 1949-50 A-' PROFESSIONAL City Attorney 433 33 5 200 11 Y Qt- bAY TOWN, TEXAS SAIAR173 h'i,\ID It Ik"E3 ro, esf -zional FLIES Cther E E SERVICEC'3' 0 Insurance and Bonds Special Services 8. Books 15. her (Books) ACCOUN7 140* 106 GEMRAL GCVERTL]VIENT ii A 10i 19 E S T IILVILM PIROPOSM 1948-49 1949-50 5 400 5 200 am 100 5 95 245 100 250 Total Expenses 3 5 500 5 550 100 250 Total Outlay 100 250 Grand Total 3 5 600 5 800 ITY Ut- BAYTOWN, TEXA 1 1 1 1 1 1 ACCOU'I',,,* f.T NNOs 107 GEIM AL GCVE1Rc,,MMMT4T CITY !: lj 3 u 11 1 111 A R y STI1,,.,ATED PROPOSIM 194-8-49 1949-50 i les nnd ages 900 100 Ll P les 400 625 Ma _ Lnt e n a nc e of land 100 25 114 ! a i nt e na i ice c f St ri.,,c tune s 500 500 T" ainut enance of Equipment 100 10© 1.scellaneouq & rvices 1. 000 1 060 Total Expenses 3 3 000 3 810 Z. Dquipirient low 150 Grand Ta t a1 Q 3 000 3 960 SAIARIES.A'D MGES 1 RATE PER FROPOSM I MIONTH 1949- 50 A-3 OPERATIL Janit or 125* 00 1 500 IJY Ut- t5AYIVVVN, I 1--A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A* SA"RIIZ Sj' ANDE ",,IAGES Operat i on rI% 2. Ful e 7 * I-,,,T.nor Tools 8. Cleaning and Toilet 13. 0 t, her 1AINTEIANCE OF IAM 1 Iand D -I\ANCE OF STRUCTURES J-, Biiildi'ns-ts E,z MA, INTEXANCE OF EUIFLIENT 1. li'twniture and Fixtures IfTSCELIA1, 10US SERVICES L. Conounicat ions Light and Power z EQUIPT24 11,71 14 i 'at ink; Systems ACCOUNT NO 107 GENERAL GOVERMTEENT I- JT A, T CITY -,L 21 EST IIAT ED FROPOSM 1948- 49 1949-50 goo $ 1 500 150 175 50 50 150 350 50 50 Total $ 400 625 500 $ 500 100 $ 100 640 700 360 360 Total 1 000 1 060 Total Expenses 4 3 000 $ 3 810 J, qO Grand To-tal $ 3 000 3 960 A.C*I-'GL-I..,IT NC* 201 PUBLIC SAF9f-YJ- V -rPUICE DS ARTMEIUI R y TI 1948-49 a nd IIVI a g e s B 500 ndritenance of Structures 200 EO 1 Iaintex-ince o-,, c • 3 el-NOO umiscen,- inc:ous services 3 000 Total & Penses (115 600 Z. Equi pi-.!-.-e-n 1'. 8 400 Urand Total 74 000 SAIAIRIES AI`0) FRUOSM 1949- 50 14 0 2 1 --' )( 100 2 710 65 250 100 66 3-0 RATE PER PROPOSED, 1, 41014TH194o.r"r) A-1 3UFrjj4VjSjGT.T Chief 35c) 3 4 200 A—,"' T EC H N ICA L I Chlief read.j"-c Dispatcher 4 40 2 880 Radio L4 spatchers 200 Lt 800 I Reli elf -," odio Dispatcher 190 2 280 Subtotal A-3 OPERA7 I L Assistant Chief 275 3 300 Sergeant Of F01j.ce 260 20 j men Pa -.1" 240 3168 0 T Of ic er, Total Salax-I'Leis and -Ages 140 ITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXA 23 A C C'; CU 11T 1,1C 201 FU--,'-',LIC SAFETY P CLI-C-1 L- 7-, j - D.-Iff 1 7-)A- 11 T E i - I T EST IMU ED PROPOSED all-l"TAKES, AH-DA. ES 1948-49 1949.50 1.&i.pervis-3-on 4 200 4 200 Te c1m c a 1 9 960 9 960 3. C.T) e i sa t.-'L 0 11 740 40 930 Total 40 3 'T900- IT '91 14 c e 200 40 4-) u 300 I 00In foryms 1 000 500 Forage 200 y1otor Vehicll=..' 2 600 2 500 4 7 "' 1L.- Ii- lor" Instruments L 150 Cl.'--lani.mrp and Toilet 100 Total T-7 00 4 0-0 IICEIT 0 Srp ' U L f1'6U. C T .116S 1. Bu...11dings 200 250 E. L.% I NT ETAITCE OF E-'UII .'1E,',,JT 1® * n1 ture and Fixtures 3' 100 4. MIctor Vehicles2 00 2 500 f Sr%-,,ia1 5, yst4. 31 i -,-is - 400600Total 3 000 4 3 100 F... T11-71SC."EILIANEOUS S& UT-I'CES 1. Comr-unicat ions 300 300 6, 1 v r-., I JL n pens n s e s 1001009, Supi--.ort fol" Ili- j"-soners 1 900 1 900 i,, Lig- h - t, and Fmver bOO 360 In Cthe.F 100 50 Total 000 - 11 0 ... MOW 10 Tota 1 Expenses- b '5 600 1, 5350 OUTIA'."r T 7 F-larnitv.-re and Axtiires 40 100 100 1i'lotor Veliicles 2 000 0 1-) 011 si ra 1. Sys t e T-.,. s 6 300 Total 6 100 100 Grand To4Cai 74 000 66 350 Sa la -.r I s a..- rd Vvd g e S Spill s of Structui-es finteD-. ul' pment nancec) lascellaneous Sei:---v es C, aandizv. Clnar,.aes Y. a,u'l ld i n 7, Equipment T O i WIliefA o FERA T I Fire D: calver CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEX ACCOUNT-, lN410s 20e"?" PUBLIC SAFETY R E n E hl-16: P, T 1;,E N T 5U 1A 1,11 A I Y EST DDATED 948-49 4 16 800 2 00 600 l 500 600 3 000 Total L- p e n s el.,c--3 25 000 Tatal Outlay, Grand Tota- L 25 000 SAIAR-J'- ES AIM WAGES RATE PER I TVILCINIT HTotal A- 3 lotal Salarics and Waf7,.es 2 5 265 220 210 205 200 PROPOSED 1949- 50 20? 90 2 950 goo 2 100 725 4 500 30 965 350 1 750 2 100 33 065 FROFOSED 1949-50 3 900 3 180 S 280 2 ;20 2 460 2 4QO 24 L;JIY Ut- bAYIUVVN, ThA 5 ACCCU`k T I-Xe 202 PUBLIC SAFEr1-'Y FIRE D'E"PARTNE.111T ESTIMTH) PROPOSED 1948-49 1949-50 S 1. Supervision 3 900 P 3 900 3, Operation 12 01"00 15840 1- 1" lixtr3l Felp 300 450 Total q - - Q 16 b fth 20 lQ011 S * TJP F E S 50 50 Fue 1 2` r) 0 21-1 O Wezar.1.ng Apparel 200 150 00 Ilvlotour Vehicle 350 450 1* Minor. Apparatus (Includes fire hose) 1 600 2 000 Cleaning at -,KI Toilet 50 1) 5® Total f2 500 2 950 U', 7 IT T A vCZ Clji-, ST.IJUCTURES ElNTBiu' ld i ng s 600 500 CF E' fj,,- 1,"t IJTEI AYJCEUTAI. T 1t*u-,L-n--* L-11-.-ure and Fi-xturc s 5' 0 50 FLIne Ar1,)aratuc,- 1 1-L 00 500 4 L. tor Vehicles 200 400 11. Signa-]L Syst ems 150 15 C) of C-O"'.. 12 Y'SCELIA"' OUS SEIRTM"ES ry 16 I.-so- awiun. icat "tons 250 2506. Travelinpenses 200 300 J- C-;. n..l Fover 150 150 JL h e r 3* at 25 Total J0 72 -- 3) -I)I L Contri'but on to Volunteer Departments 4 3 000 4 500 Total Expenses T P T) 70 961-) B!.7-.,71D11k`:SA"] STRUCITURES z Fiquilf llt11%K#2 1 I ' TOto11 Vehicles 1 000 L.,.. SigrialSystems750 Tot,a]- Cut lair 1 750 G."% a nd Total 25 000 33 065 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 26 ACCOU14-T Me 203 FITT.-TtIC-3; L ETY PROTECT VE I FE, r7-,"LION S U M M A R y EST III A TED PROPOSED 1948-49 1949-50 and ages 4 800 6 000 pli e s 200 175 E'-", i,"'blintenance of Equipment 100 100 1,,1scellaneous Services 100 Total Expenses 5 100 6 375 i7- Equipment 100 emb Grand Total 5 200 6 375 SAIARIES AIM ITAGES RATE FM PROPOSED T,XffH 1949-50 A-2 CIERICAL Inspector's Clerk 200 2 400 A-3 TECIE\IICAL Inspector 300 3 600 Total Salar:Les and Vilages 6 000 t-11Y Ur t3AY1UWN, ILA SA e, VIC Es !A E S 4k J C a Technical A INCCUT Mo 203 PUBLI3 air-'51"7'Y PRGYfECTFv1E INd"rECTIL TT of Jt --'L E3TI1, ATED PROPOSED 1948- 49. 1949-50 1 800 2 400 1 3 000 3 boo 4 800 6 000 Of fic e 100 75 6. T,,I,-)tor 1,"ehicltz 100 100 4 1. Total 200 40 175 C 2 YOF E,TUITFIZNI- 1 T Vehicles ilISCET. JANEOUS SE-RUICES nre1' nr,- Expenses E A-44 'T ``UIFMEN1. Fur zaiture and Fixtures Total Ex-penses Grand Total 100 100 100 5 100 6 3 75 100 - rt 5 200 6 375 11Y Ut- t;%AY1OWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NOe 301 HIGH WA Y S S U Y11 IT, A EST BA' MOPOSED 1-948-49 101-0-5() Salar-Les and Wages 4 40 420re 47 000 I e 3 4 5 8, 0 5 500 TN 4;aintenance of StructureS, 30 000 0 000 I , Maintenance uf Equipment 000 T -coilanerus Sei-,,vicesId, 1 000 00 Total Expen oses 83 000 83 800 Ey- juipment 9 000 3 600 Grand Tota 1 92 000 7 400 S, A 1A al I E S AIM WxGES FATE PER PROPOSED LOI, T 11,1, 1 ITH1949-50 V won 01, 16 ,.Oft or 116-f ruT.-) 1i c 'Work s 3.110 60 1- 3 1 L'. E C" HIN I CA."; _'j D. i gi, 2402 880 Helper Engi'neer Her 170c,83 2 050 Total A-3 4 930 4-- h IAINUII'JiWiT,CE Foreman i 2 " ' '5 3 300 UtJ, 1,J..tJ'.es I&n 200 2 400 Op--.,.. at ons Ave a g 199 3-1 948 7' ruck Drivers Avera.g 1 " L ( 4 I 62"1 I ki ".) 0 r (-,. n, 3 Average) 1 8 16 171 Tota-1 0 09n, Grand Tota"L i 7000 k-11Y ur tjAY1UvvN, I 1--A ACCOUNT NO* 301 H I G H W A Y 3 ROAD W TYS A* WACT'ES J., 31-i-pervision 3. Technic al IL t nancee Total T fIES 1-o Of fice Kotor Vehicles 7. Minor Tools 7 O. Alechani1 cal To+,., a]. 4 L1, INMANCE OF STRUCTURES Bridges Sidevialksp curbs and gutters Stre et s Total E* MAINTENANCE OF EQUIFVZ+NT 2. T&achinery and Implements 4. Motor Veh.-'Lcles Total F* vT11i'3#CELW-TE0US SERVICES 2. Hire of Equipment 4). opecial Services Z, EQUIPMEETT achi: nE,-ry Ttuck Total Total Expenses Total Outlay Grand Total 29 ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1948- 49 1949-50 2 520 1.980 2 5aQ 4 930 35 400 .o 09-0 40 20 47 0100 3, 40 t _. 4 0.00 5 000 500 410 lam 4 5bO 3 5 500 L. 000 1, wo, 000 1 000 28 000 28 000 30 000 5 30 000 4 000lone, 7 000 1 000 . 1, 000 300 1 000 1 300 83 000 83 800 5 000 3 600 4 000 GUM wpm 9 000 3 600 92 000 $ 87 400 37RI FO 117 TCE'-` 0'- IIATED 194 8.LO 1 1-11fht. mld lo-Tvfer 4 800 D Le TA 11 -E DIS(I'J"I J.; 11! 1. OF ST.-`,EET LIGITTS 013y Contract -v".rj-tIi Ho-,Uston Lighting 1-twer Co,) 110 r of j" p 08 52 Size , and T-v.T e O- 250 ci' ' emr nlar Seiesp, RatePer Lmp Per Year PROPOSED 1949- 50 5 Total Cost Per Year Overhead 0 30aOO 3 240 250 Regrru. la,'I.- Series Frei. Overhead 250 CP Ornamental Una era Ground Series 40000 1 56o Ext.,,C-,,. Street Lights 330 Total 5 130 CAIY Ul- bAYIOWN, TE ACCCU'Ll' T o,, 401 SANIITArlr'ICI'** r AIM '"ASTE RE1,10VAL SE , VIMS AIM SE"AAGE DISPOSAL I" U IT it'll A a y EST IATED 1948- 49 Av ' an(.11 Oages 1 72 0 pplJ, es 900 C. Ka-ir-teriance of Iand 280 V) T " I, a i.,Aintenance of Structures 8 200 Majxitenance of Equinment 1 900 bascelIm- neous Service 2 000 Total Expenses 29 000 St r u c- t ur e s 13 000 Z. Equipment 2 000 Tot a 1 Outlay 11" 000 r 11% 3randTotal44 000 SAIARIES AND 'AA G E 3 31 PROPOSED 1949- 50 3 13 260 goo 100 9 200 1 000 3 550 28 010 15 312 L5 312 43 322 RA TIE" PE.R FROPCISM MONTH 1-941/1-50 Directo],',, of Public WorLIM (2/10 Time,) 550 1 32 0 A-3 OPERkT ION 3 rJ7.". CI,.,. Operators (Average) 2 Oc! 7 380 1',i 4 I/A ENA CE 190 4 . 560 Total Sala- ries and Wages ' 13 9-60 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 32 ACCOUNT NO* 01 SANITATION AND WASTE RETjUjjk*r, SEWERS AIN10 SE "AGE DISi'G&U ESTD,WTED PROFOSED 1948-49 1949-50 SA lki 1*1','9,. A NID AAGE-2 1 try-,i` r i JW o n 1 660 1 320 1ar Cpera L, I Oil 7 200 7 380 ILb i rit e na n c e 6 840 Total 15 _L5 13 60 f f i .*", e 20 2o Di e 1 20 20 6o Mn.'C.or Vehicle 700 700 7 Minor Tools 160 180 Total 900 900 i:.;:: I1V1TE1A.X'U" C" 2.. la nd 280 1-00 dj4, 1 DICE OF STRUC TUBE S 1. Bu i 1c-11 d. n g, s 200 200 3. Disposal J Iants 5 000 5 000 Sanitary Se^vie-,rbs 1 500 2 000 torn, Selvvers 1 500 2 QOO Total b 200 9 200 vA, 1INT.TEMANCE OF ELWIP11ENT 2. Mach.:17-nery 800 4 500 3 fy Dnstmince mtsand Apparatus 500 500 I I Uotc.::, Vehicles 600 Total, 1 900 WLIQ1G1ELLiT\TE4i) US SERVICES 7. Re, nt, 9- lip cam 50 and Power 2 000 3 500 Total 7r 2 0 0_0 4 55 0 Total &penses 29 000 26 010 U Ramitary Sewers q 13 000 7 112 0 S it orm Sewe r s 8 200 T 12 c)ta1TiT_ =J _73 Total Outlay 15 OUU 312 CITY OF tSAYTOWN, TEXAS 402 SA.I.NT!,ITATICINT W-kaTE RI Ej k, CT\ TA I STE CCLIEC."LION A-M D 1310 1, M Alm S1-f- E SE I Tvlak T il, D' pRot,03M 1 L949-50 A a*ind c), 41. 000 Supplies 000 9-0 Ira intenance of Str uc turc s 500 500 1 int(-;nance of Equipment 500 To-bal lisr-penses 5`3 000 I 45 450 41,. Equipment 1 UUU 3-4 550 3rand Total 7 -L 000 A 61j0 000 lit SAIAIR i E 5 A -1,-,,D -iIIA 1, U-'E S PROk-OSED 1949--.50 C)i,.EfLkr,, -LtIITA--3 Assi'St,,mt Foremen 0 225 2 700 r-r'ruck Drivenc-, 190 9 120 17.5 0 4004labarers (3.901hr) 9 Lab kJzers 3-65Ar) 150 820 9,10xtra0 gibes41 000TotalSalariesaril 34 iA-CCOU'lim 11,10 402 SANITATION AND QSTE R MOVAL WASTE COLLECTIC" A710. DISPOSAL EST ILA T FROPOSMI, 1949- 5 0 SUARIES AN,'D -I GES I ixw 4, Suk P e i,-,,,v -.-AL s 10 il 3 000 $ 2 Lzftra H,.--,I.P 8110 1 IPota"I 45 000 000 SUPPL.I. Off-Lce 50 6. Motor Vehicle 3 800 800 7. 1 nor Tools 1,50 Total 4 000 3 9 "50 D4 LAILII' TEHAI CE OF STRUCTMES 9, Dumpinr- y Grw o-idsC3 500 tip 500 E Ii, T ,T"N !'C;E OF E!,,.jtU*IFT,,;TEI-,"T . 11 'E "AI 2. Aklachinery 500 4. Nx7ottor Vehicles 3 000 Total 3 500 Ir'o t a 1 Ilv, P e n s e s 0 53 000 45 41 0 Z 'FIvIE' iT QTU J- b10000 Ln c hinerr)r 4. hIctor Vehic le s 18 000 4 550 Total CA-0.-. 1ay is 000 1.4 550 Grand Totc-I' L 71, 000 60 OOC 15 A c c (yu [NTT 1"ics 501 OF, TEALTH E ; L31"rhATM PROPOSED i948-49 1949715jo and `4age.6 3 540 3 000 F5. s"uppl.1'es 60 250 1 200 1 250SeryicE.'s id ry 2 500 5 000 a G,r.- amudTotal7300IIISA ITD ii-A (.'i6S RATEP&i PROPOSED NIOTNITH__ 1949-50 At-'- 7.'ICH,, VTCA L mitarian 2 G 3 000 W, 7 DETAIL ESTLvATED F. Rci' Ospi) 1948-49 ra 0 JAj_j T C" 01"m cn, 3 `40 3 000 jo IES r.Lice 60 F4, 1414"j,jL LIANEC;T S 3- C a a, ovia ne e 60 0 600 Spec ija.l SelIVIC, 500 rr vv* e. 11. ri &,.penses 0 lqo Total 1 200 4. 50 i G5kRGE-3 Con' t.Libution, to Health IE,,,?.guc 2 5aa 4 5 000 Grand Total 7 300 9 500 wnid ihges p stt idn, e cd La i 1 enancc, o i- aipment ACCUR- 41T 1*410* 601 REC R, EAT 1 0 N 1` ITIC I I -AL FARKS 3 ' U j!j R v STI1ATEDFROP"SED 1948- 49 1,0/49-50 200 600 100 2-0 150 200 400 irP 1 00 0 0 Irand Total IC 6C1. 200 DETA IL T c-s-, t 14 kIARIES AJMD "VAGE";'b 4o IL a i r it ,name STT 7,, Toclo 32. Botanical and Ac,;" It ux,,, 1 Oricuher L, a M,-, A4P-7,-,.EBU','CE OF LAI'm 4 C' S"I"IRUCTURZO CE" IYII Total &-- panses Grand Total 2 00 600 D 1-00 50 100 50 250 i0o 150 200 400 1 2 OCI 200 000 1 200 II IIY VI- IJAYIUWN, Ti EX 38 L 11 MISC1 ELEA I'Mu'GITS A Fl, E U RR IFROPCSED 9ei8-4.Sij. 1049-50 ow" 3, "" , s n 'ac -a g e sala 5 720 8 000 lie sl 1 03c) 950 1...s.kintenance of Structures Qo 200 i MaIntenance of Ficluipinent 200 10 000 1- Ljoella" coos Seryices 00 25 Total &xpenses 11 7,00 19 775 XUipment, 1 300 Grand Total 13 000 3 19 775 A-2 C I Z aICa A Timekeeper (2/ 3) A-3 0 E.P. T 10 1 213) 10.). rt er (2/3) SA TARIES AI,,D 'OVV"ES hTE k)') F-ROPOSM Ji,foj` TIT / 1 -50 1149 2001 600 Average) 215 r 2 400 155 1 240 2 760 Tot:,r- il Ao-3 6 400 r 1M. r ahiriesand "vb- r?c-s 0 000 b ITY OF BAYTOWN, TEX 3 T.P A`1fD 1ZAGEiS 2. Clerical CT..,kear4nai.ionandr-i C C 0TJT 7 01 111, 3CEJ., .-TIELIMUS JAJ.` I A A E Total ST I T`v,1-.,,kT ED F R 0rT-'C S HM10 —49 - 5o 4—/481949mouv220 1 600 7 5 0, t J 64CC 0 0 P11 71: Uppl^"'JIEnl-31 ClIf f : L" c e 2* Pael 300 200 10C ry ' Tools 50 1, jor C= Olean-ing and riooilct 80 A 1. 3. Other 100 Total, 9. 5 0 D ME OF STRUCTUIUS 1* Build ings E. OF T4!QTjTR7RT,7 2. Machinery Fs 1, LISCELIANECUS SERVICES A. 4p 300 3 200 1. Communications 12 0 0 200 11. - Light and Fmver 200 100 4 Cther25 Total 400 625 Total arpenses 11 700 3 19 775 zu I XTIPMEYIP 2* '11h c h JLne ry 1 300 uj--,cand Total 13 000 3 19 775 t-11Y VI- tJAYIUWN, TEXAS 40 Au -'CO 710* 702 SCETJ, A NE OLT S S i NJ A E" 31 I"I AT PROPOSED 48 1949 >O LLVEOU" SFO!""ES d a a li-isurance 5.700 Sao 500 Grand Total I/` 7C)O 7 '.--)'00 TLn-' "IT* JE4, a, - DE-TA.1- _4n Sr ITCE EST L, A T Z) 9)jtq.) 94 19,19 0 A t omkot ivf-,% Sq- 1 I*PrMel utY2 7 0 uu b Da-.1-ld-Iii-irps c-an)d U'orytenLs 1 600 1 600 3c* ancl "'o sp.Ltali#2bc,,,vt --*Lon 141 050 1 200 3d. n. ens if" t t'ene 1 300 300 L! CL= 1-- 100 Total y ' i y_ 6 CITY OF JdAl TOM N TEI AS Till Oft PA "J: NA lotILA v"t V AL I CITY UP tSAYTUWN, TEXAS 41 ARTER DEPARTMENT IN1(.*j4-0!T AN D EXF"ENSE STATEMENT ri.),R. T.Tr2 -TIL S GA L YEA 19' Ltq.oFFIESTUATED PROPOSED 0YE' RAT1111G, 1949-50 ZAIES OF "N161PER& d & a'eQ to General Cus--.---n,,ers 225 000 235 000 Serv: king of Customers Installations 6 000 7 500 Total Operat:'MO -, Revenues i 2 31 000 22 4500 Q,',PE"-RATTjkj'* G IRF41ENUE DE UNCTIONS Operating Expenses 81 000 $ 154 160 Net ink 0 a inIncome150000 $ 38 340 0 UM. • NONCFZPAT. INGZKTENSES: Diterest 14L:pense on Bonds "7j'4 010 49 500 Net Income ill"' 990 3 38 840 AFFROPRIAT IONS OF NZIP Lfl'J'CCJJ41", Cove trib-ut ion ' Lo Debt Service Fund 4p 37 100 ion *Go General Fund 4f) 000 35 000 Total Appropri at ions 01 100 238 660 TO UT\LAFf1R0FR1A`-,rED WTUIULiS 7 33 890 3 840 WITLI L"EIIART IVE-1,41T 3 1 L2, jAR 1,T C P F" J "THE" JLJ7F37 D'7-1-L i -011S IA- I A C C NT, Bo L u L j TBIZA "'H 1. 1048-49 1- ) ply C', 000 C; 2 hansrission anD i* stril)-ut.t c C) OO lo Clustomero- I Accou-nting an,,... C o J 1 e,,,.-. in g 2 .3 000 LO04 3, or a N.; 3 010 Debt Service 72 CA* 0 Total 3 185 000 APPROPRIATIGIN 1949 - 50 21 890 i cy.j i 0 n,. 2,- V' 10 ? 90 49 500 3 2 03 60"' 0 STUJII!-,AR'Y OF EXP&bM.ITj-!PF1,S 'BY full-W-M;TER AIP\-M 0.113,7P.,CT CIASSIF-II-CATICI T E S&I3 1948-49 A 3a lar i e s and Xages 4 53 760 SUPP1 * es 6 620 of Structures 1 400 E. of EquipmerA, 8 440 F. 11dscella- neous Services 10 760 Sun( Iry, CharC.,e..s 72 000 Total Expenses IL53 000 C-t-1 F1, TA 14 OUT U YZ. Equipment32 000 Total 185 000 TR2-t1.,9FE,?R TO GENERA L Fnj.'D 45 000 2- Total Vi ater Department .;P j0 000 A .H1- '1-) ROPRIAT-I-ON 1949 - 50 57 770 8 005 4 e- 5 0 16 450 10 685 49 500 146 660 57 000 203 660 35 000 238 660 IIY VI- L$AYIUWN, IhAAti 43 Trp NO's loC)i I T 37, Sr 111h T 9) A. PROPOSE) 1949-750 arid. 'i4a, 960 6 450 34 jau J..), i nl,-., e nari-c'- e (,,)f Structures 300 0 C Ih in t. eAranc o.-f. Equipmeryt C, 0 LaL' necras Servj 10 000 10 050 Total a-q..enses 20 000 1 20 LL90 u i ri-i e nt 1 400 rarid TO-ta-'-L r 0 0001 21 300 S kjA,RT2 Al, RATEj PER 1949-50 tr,, rlcmt (1/4 mue 50 1 650 ftu 7up, e I 215 2 580 wr,.p c. -r- s Helper lull 2 220 Tctt::t1 A-3 4 800 Total &q.Laries and Abages 6 450 IIY OF UAY-TOWN, TEXAS 44 c) n Ividtor Veildcle Yinor, Toolo- n L; A]L"NTI-ijIWNCE OF, STRUCTURES 1. -- Buildt-igs 1 " T""NAT TT 11114L \JCE 011' EQUIP13,14 2. 1 ne r-,,r Tr t e r in, s ACCOU" 174T, 110* 1001 EIR PA I i.T I EI Ff S * C 1, I L YTot a I Y. vi , •^'111.11U3 IIEIM t, LjTARent and Fower Tntal PINZINTT 4. lr'(AO r ch c L7, iarc-., nd Total 3 T -1- LAI T E DIDIR 0 P 0 3Z D' 19 14.8 -44 Q 01914 9 —,'r) j 0 2 IUC )5 o It 860 4 800 960 450 200 J 1. 00 100 10 30 340 300 $ 150 6,^" 0 3 000 a, 0* i 0 5 500 50 10 00C.) 10 000 10 000 10 050 20 000 21 890 fly uk- GAY 1ulmri, I 1:11xAb 45 1002 AT Ell K - T0 ir' T 0 1.1 A MiD. ID 3 R, IB UIL' 10 1-1 A R Y SST D"A TZ-2 ]HI CTCASED 19 4 81949-50 alardes and Wages 25 620 2- 9 900 3 300 2 000 l 11a 'ntena-, c(-.N of atructures I C", 0 3 600 Tiintenanca of &,juipment 6 000 T" - -,-cllpn=ous SDrvicess 1-10 Tot-l 65 300 4.- 700 u i -P'm e n;. 30 700 55 400 6,7 000 P101 100 A-7 Sup P..rint-.c-.mdent {1A Ti-lae Foreman ileter Shop Foreman 9 La-I)orers E.x - 1, r a Sjj Lk T ATIT) t Uwerage) Total A-1 cv;- ari.,a-j- SaL iEl-s and- VII-I e s IA T E lv!CN,,T- 194 /o -5, o 55 0 65 0 205 3 180 215 2 580 190 20 640 1 350 12 5-0- 29 900 lIly ur t3AyiuvvN, I t-A 0,C) ACC O"U'l-7i "I -Me 1002 NSIfff-* I Sf DTA TED 1948-4'9_ I IS,Upe.fir -V,..'-.s ic;n Total Ft TJ 0 is Chem *1 cu, a C,',.F' STTqUCTUHESu 1 -" t L11i1ra s 74) ipes lwluk I T M IWICEOF E!UIH,,:ENT btor Vehicles O 4vater 111ains; DI-e tL; a. r, r! Se ' t 6 ngs13, Service ,--, nrec-ti(.)ns 14e F mq J.-tfo- raln,.t Dotal 4 1 T "JEOU" SER-t,,TICES T Communications6. T r av- P-2 .*1.,--1 j;p ar e n s e s p IT o tah t. a rid F orr c r Chlord-na- tor Motor VehicleS Watt:r Tina ins C-amd Sett:" Lngs FJre Itrdrants Total Tutal apem(es r: lotal Duwtllarya nd " ot,al 2 100 3 r-,' 2 0 20 i5- 7-77- 7— 2200 800, 100 tm no 300 200 800 2 000 400 1 0010 5CC 100 6 000 100 36 JOG 2 000 3 200 4 500 21 000 777-777 000 PROF03ED 19 4 0 - 5 I/)' 0 1 65028 250 Z9 200 31 000 800 END 000 100 3 6 0 0 0 0 4 000 0 600 to 107- 700 1 400 45 000 8 000 1 000 5 55 400 101 100 Y OF BAYTOWN, TEXA 47 rACCCU14TINO* 1003 ArInE DE. ARTLIKU C _4CSSTOIRSu u AND "CILECTIM ESTIT. ATED PROPOS M-I1948- 49 1949-50 a laor c 6 anc e 18 960 17 420 2 700 2 475 1- 416 i''Aintenr-_Ince of Ekauipmen-1U. 40 350 11.,I'i sce--.1-laneous Seirvices 300 335 Total E.Lpenses 22 000 20 580 aluipment 1 000 200 Grand Total 23 000 20 780 V IV wc* SA IAk R IE S AIM "AA GE S E'ER FRCPCZM IVIONITH 1949-50 Cffice Llanager 200 2 400 2 Tr'A T Ccl..hier 3 200 2 400 L.Lchine OperatorS Average) 157*50 3 780 1 Cler.'r 15o 1 800 2 Clerks 1/ 2 Time) 75 1 Goo Total A-2 9 780 A-3 C" I''FRAT-TOT"j, tc-r Readers 210 4' 5 040 200 Tota"i aia: rries wrid Wages 17 420 CITY OF ISAYTOWN, TEXAS TACCOUNTi\41C) a 1003 vRTER DEPARTIMINT CUSTOMERS ACCOU 711INTG AM COLLECTING EST I LVA TED PROPOSED 1 1948- 491949-50 A t " i A J R 1 A," GE S q t. per1T1sion 4P 3 300 2 400 e, t- 0 10 620 9 780 Gperation 5 040 1 0 04 tra -'elp 200 Total 18 960 17 420 3UY,PLM:) 1. Of five 2 325 2 300 L Lanor Instruments 375 175 Total 2 700 2 h 75 E's YA 1\T, CE OF EQUIPIMT 1. Office, "-- hchines 40 3 350 T. 4 T S;` EjjA, Iv TECUS c-ERVInES k_jil.0 1. Conimunicat ions A% if -In 200 Insurance and Bonds 50 35 13 Ct he r 100 100 Totals 300 335 Total Expenses r 22 000 22 170 dl TT 1. R-trniture and Office the;_yes1 000 200 Grand Total r 23 000 22 370 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 QITY OF 13AYTOWN, TEXAS 49 ACCOU147 `10* 1004 ATM DEFART11,14 NT 0 IED PROPOSED 1948-49 1949-50 Sa a rJ, Wa g e s 2 2 2 0 3 4 000 p e s 280 3 190 Do hL.intemince of Structures 100 00 E Maintenance of Equipment 2 500 jA lfl scellaneous Services 100 200 octal &xpenses 2 700 10 390 Z, Equipment 300 Grand Total 3 000 10 390 ASAIARIESANM4 -GES ROB PER FROPOSM 1:-:1011TH 1949-50 j 'aTCAL C_L.rk (113) 200 800 A -'I OF, L, " PA T 10 1 T& 2chanics (l/3) 200 2 400 orter (1/3) 155 620 ra 180 Total lzaries ana". ,'gages 4 000 LA I Y Ut- kSAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCCUI\T,T NC. 1004 ATEP. 'U"EFARTNTZIN'T STORES 41 , AND WAGES 2 Y-ical C —:,ration potal SU Of fic e 1,16tor Vehicle 7. Ma"nor Tools 0. Cleaning,- and Toilet 13 Other Total TIVAINTETANCE CF STRUCTURES T IrAiiidings IEITn' OF EQUIP11 v.L enicle F. IMELJ4NEOUS SERVICES I27-ig-I}t "and Power Ij 'ka c e 'achinesI Total &-penses 50 ESTIATE113 PROPOSED 1948-49 1949-50 3 2 220 800 3 200 2 220 4 000 50 o 50 90 WIM 2 200 50 750 50 ft. 30 100 280 3 190 V 100 500 2 500 100 200 2 700 10 390 300 Gra,., nd Total 3 000 10 390 SUITIR"' CHAR.C.-ES Debt Servii-ce aI C CITE IT."', NTOO 11 72 000 49 50o 4 CITY OF BAYTOWN 9 .'TEXAS N N tJ AI, F - F. ----I C d BUDGET R T I'V 0. Fj YvFj N T 3F FUND CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 5-2 T',qj%FFj" 1 T111. j NDFT JAj-1;. F, TNG ',,r! -4-iT7--? 'tY& NTJIM- Eq. 2 0 0 0 L1AAL. A1FE"J"'" r" G7"F!1 C3JECT k#3TN 0L1OO"ENDTRES EstimtedProposed 9 8- 491c 1949-50 i-.tnd Ok?wes 3 300 2 000 C) ftenq,nce of 5truct.iir.!.-:c- 2 000 man ant enance of Equip bent 700 3 0 a. sce ..aneous Services 360 Total &-oense 5 96 981 4 T'. ent 1,", 061 25 100 wvl 4419 0302 31 Thy J c Ihiprovement Fund Baas created 'n February, 1949. The estJrvt-n'J f c -1- 19 are e;,-ght (a) months. to be )aid for bef.Dre 50% division of collections are made* T11-is inc Bides the balance due on parking meters . 53 ACCU.(4,;f T.0 2 000 T- IFFIC 111DRICVELIEN7, T: "IBL""' SAFETY 1 10 T " 11A Zij F11101CISED10, EI-440* 4_1 1949 -50 WA'ar,is and Wages 1 883 3 3 300 1 000 486 d 0 litenance of Z)t rue -bur c s 000 ritenaznce ioff-' Lqu n L 700 5 C) MIsc,-.--411.at-.- eourI SerTicr 380 845 Total c.nses 5 963 4y8. Lq u.'L I roc t 13 081 4 25 300 %Po Total 19 044 30 281 IARUM ATJD 'AUTES RA TE PER FROPOSM 140IN'TH 1949- 50 MI IS ION 250 3 00 0 A-5 EVIR& 17LELF 300 3 300 11,af.- L"ic . 1-a.i?rovement Fund ctreated in FE,-bruary', 1949. Estimated values are I_j 03) montlas, Aw a Ibis :Lricludes the baL?, nce due, on parking meters. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 5`4 ACCCUM. NC* 2000 I I r TpTlUiFFICI1-Z4"ITICIIE-1i4 1Pt PLIC SAMY FRC 948- 49 194gas, 150 A -1 A E; 9 A 1.. VA G E S 8-jpnrvicion 1 1, 3 3TTT 3 000ZX't Help300 Total 1 883 3 300 ILI 3 Of. f j. C 500 291a 1,fiot or Vel-, ' i 40wcleI 70 7* T o5001 oti'l (Street int 3 1.25 Total 1000 41' 486 T ILAUNTEIANCE OF ST.-%HUC' TURE310. 0-t her 2 000 7, ", I T- A CF 21T _ P". E 11T 3* Instruments anc,3. Apparc--;Ltus 5 00 2 1 0 40 Loto.. Vehicle 200 100 Total 700 ico g., 'Ttflj - 3 C E JA ",,'E C, T-7 S SERVICES 2 ILL dt re of Equ-ipni ent 3- Inr---,urance and Bonds 5 5 Op c IL-i 7 - 6e ry JL c e s 200 L L rl-j.t a-qd Power 840 Total 3 6 0 40 845 Total Expenses 5 963 4 981 and Fixt ur s:----- s 297 ns' lrunients and Apparatus 10 600 19 500 Mot o."" Vehicle 2 184 575 J, r 3 na 1 Sys t ems 522 Total. Outlay t 13 081 L 5 00 3 rand Total 30 281. CITY OF BAYTOWN t TEXAS ANNU,T, B TDGET I A R T v S'f I 2 I TG '0 0L I-J A W. Y OF IF 117A T I "NI, TT) CITE3 J4, jjA j s t mat end 1948-49 3 500 Is Urc-1 s aent s Total 800 200 1,00 200 630 n r utw '. ,I oposed 1949-50 6 680 725 200 200 200 fps 3 930 ITY OF BAYTOWN, TEX ACCCT4,1,11 140* 3000 R E C PR, E A T I C N k L 3T IMA TOD PR() j3:111 46 4 1949-50 r',nd '19.geC' s 500 o 6 1 e s, Ppl 7 lbs, i nt e. na Y i c o -if." CTr- 2 00 2 00 ol.' Sti, u lOn 200 ofEqu.'ipment 0 0 2 OCD i f -.r . Aa +br ' d 'n..s 630 9 '7 5 Gra n d ' e,' otal 5 430 8 980f. QNT nonthD 473 01" J' 11RAT T()J,, uleards (4 months) 1, 2, tr ul t, mon-ths 1 0 deir nd 2 Checir-ers) U T 31TRI, , Ho S TE fEll" 1- 111101- J"D Il (4-n T T -50 1111'c I! 1949 120 t 1 920 110 440 110 1 320 Total A,-3 3 6o0 625 Sr lrxd. es and Wages 5 6 680 1 Ma.L CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Iff !"Oe 3000 C it IL A T 1 0, 111171-INR7 FOOL 10 T I Aft, M.11 191"1 49 1 1 -97150 pen, -ision 1 50U Ooe, ration 0 3 680 hTaI" nterla lice- 75 atHe500 6 680 Off 10 0 Ba I 2 0 0 Tools arid I 'L'-, er i s i 1. S 1,00 Llu' v)y-, Cle,!D.Ming and ioljk:"Li,-',- 6 200 75 50 goCac. a 1. s 200 00 GL- h e 100 4- 1- 1 CD Ira 200 200 AF STRUCTURES 33U 1 1d. in g S 100 0 0 tjAvT(-' E CF EQUIF-1,1ENT 21 urn' u,, e and F' tures 100 100 a nd It y -iplement F, 2.00 10 0 11iotal. 200 200 ICES 4 OU6 SEATCfali-mun icat ions raw 0 11- 11-1, 1mra-r1ce and J13, and s 15 U-cht andPower "A. 600 900 Totc- A-11 $ 600975yrand Tc't.,,.,1 5 400 3 980 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS b A N tT as + PA R I Ado. B T SERVICE S E C T I O N 0 now L;IIY Vl- tSAYIUWN, TF-XA C) 19 9-50 i.ir-re.nt ""ear s Ievy 32 200 7 692 f, tir 1 050 40 33 ""0 0 lil- 67 1' 92 OIT "'t*rHEIR J-',LOTj:R JEJ TT i, fer from t e r pe a C- Tra n,sartnE-j likind 72 000 19 -,oc TOT,k I, RZTEITES 10,1 2 50 122 692 Z 3T 111, A T Eat PTROPOSED t F' 1049-50 4-1 71) fl* t STUIORY- 01"HARGES 4110 A 40 Se,3 - La l B-ond 1.1laturities 61 000 7 OX T Feres+ ft-MEJItS 5 764 lx..-.hange Cc 116 978 1"7 i 04 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 9 G Ej 1"I E R A L D L I G A T 1 0 N", C NTI D iS Including 'Tax- Suy)ported 'c"rZ-1tr r, Works Bonds) A E,S'T I M T E. D FROPOSM 1948-49 1949-50 CAW 0 G 111 J, f at Cktuber 1. 1 948 3 7 627 General Rind 6 C) 0 0 Due S'tl.beet !nip-rcyvement. Comstrucytion 1)-nd 3 000 ri 2. 6 27 A-- 1i EN'LLT?A'T Tpjofl ;Rj'y T AXE Do.ny, cnt Year 1,c, Levy 32 00 67 6 92 V I - Y,- 9- r 1 050 Total .: 33 2,-.) 0 67 92 Total Resources 49 877 67 692 T 7 R E 413' U-1112) lrf CT t HARGES2-A. Se. r 1'a 1 Bond 1 h- t ur:"L t i El s 24 000 31 000 2—Bo Tnterest Papnents 2-'1- 8 18 3 2 ("') 9 2 change 50 Tot.L,. l Reqairennen6,-- 'Z 45 868 $ 63 767 0" 4 OOQsgh8iv- gorDiefron, Other Fai'.c'5 -t Sept -0 60 D E B T S E RV I C E A. T E R W 0 R K REVENU Fs BONDS ES.TIATED PROPCSM 1948-410/ 1949-50 0pc,nin,rr, Cash at October 1,, 1948 Q 36 07 I ED FUIMS: FRO1 OTHER G"OVER11 1. —MPT Transfer from Water Cperating Rind 72 000 49 500 Totcal Reocources 72 036 5 X; j CT G a SUIMRY C likRGES,,, LSerial Bond Thturities 3 37 000 26 000 2—B. Interest Payments 34 010 21 072 2—C. Exchange 100 75 Total 71 110 3 47 147 41c,to -rig, "ash at September 1jIf301.' 1948 926 61 A T E N D E D E D N' E W T 1]i TRL se 0 LAI•M1949 Interest 1) a t e, oif r ar- b rl i Azuomlt QI'l at a. Ye,ars D , t P ssueit3and•Ret1' l 4s I 'T e -L,y co ,, x orKs n e f1mo. in 510 0-73 6.3-1 000 3 48 000 Se ive r 3% L2 69 Y) 0 0 32 000 taw-nue. L 3 1. -L5 o cl 1,1c), o o o T-orks and 3 a771nz Reavenue. i- L%. : A LLaen,r 3 21 L 25 1, C) 85 C C 0 1 0 c f Gco3e Creek r k A.s Bo- nds 2 /c, 4. 0 7 115 000 83 000 A.Lt C--Tn,rcxk- s & Se-m.rer B onds 3 ;A-% 1 4M4 30 000 6 OOC cl 85 000 85 Ou', Vote-..- -o. rl-: s and '-'-Pwer Rev- enue Blonds- 2 73 000 ll- 1'11) 000, Ser?'- e S I 3 77 DOO 77 000 za-id Saaer SyAcm Revenue BI-onds., - a L. 7% 8-1-45 4.45 000 30 000 rs , ot. Z!2 3A 5 5 000 55000t TO i'r.,> F^ 1-4 .0 3 45 75 4 000 22 000 11 kd '00 em 2)6 10-1-60 alff 000 4-10- 4 3 1' j on 0, 7 CITY OF 15AYTOWN, TEXAS 15 ern Ps IN E R A It 0 B L I G A T 1 0 N :3 0 N D S i R;: 1, 19 9 Intereot D,.,:.).t,e of Term JlMaturity Origi 'rial AAmount f.-. s7. , r:i i, ;o n Rat e Years e, Issue Outo-tanding h, IfBft Spy) Eolls 9 410 4 f-% A) cl3 8 1-7 3 36 500 2 7 500 5% Rall Re, f i -in d - i. n gg, 7-1-35 36 7-1-71 2 4 5 W I ap, r ve - r, o rfietnt T una". a' 6% 0-38 21 11-1.0—,L-) >1 14 000 11 'COO iii 3-3/4% 12 -1- 45 2 1 ?o 6 75 000 75 000 i'try- of p Goosn Creek- P. Aaid,ing 'Warrants 6(;r 3 13 51 10 4, 000 3 000 3e, ;er Lrap,-v-c,tre:.,,T-,ent 522 b 0 —1,0—^ 7 10-10-67 45 000 5 00 Stq-eet, Impriovement 12 of 45 22 1-67 20 000 6 r c)() 2% 511 000 55 000 70 000 70 000 11 9T IJ46 000 146 000 2945 9=.a 19 1—.— 63 50 00050 G 0 0- t, 6% 1-2 —e'-) 4 30 2-10-54 100 000 26 C)Of i I Cl-ty of D,,A,,,,rt own Park bnprovevl;.:-:;f-rL-) — i r, . L-,e - 1,948 2 2-1- 48 2-31 4% 3I% A. Do 000 126 000 CITY OF UAYTOWN, TEXAS ee , — 0j D S B T 1 11. V I C E SCHEDUIE OF EINMAL CULIGAKON BOM"': Outstanding Fj,431cal Beginn .11. Q cy i,%inc i pal Int e r e st Total Yre a r of Year RequirsEnent s Requiren, ent s Requirements 1, *49--50 64.5 500 3 20 000 3 20 933 40 9331-1 0Ly: —51 625 500 26 00.10 20 06 3 46 003 J ;5 2 Q9 500 26 000 19 173 5 173 9 5 2 "! 53 573 500 26 000 13 276 44 276 1") ' 3-51.1 i01,0( 5'7 500 27 1 a .7 336 44 336 1941 1-5 5 420Ole 500 lb 461 43461 483 500 PIN 9 0/ 1" o Cy 4 44654 730, 6 oo956*-e; 000 14 772 44 772 9 h 34 500 31 000 13 880 44 880 5 403 500 32 000 12 900 44 900 15 371 500 32 500 11 7.4 379 336 000 36 000 10 770 46 770 1,96" 00 000 37 000 0 624, 46624 19'.. 13 263 000 37 000 8 450 45 450 19L, 226 0 140 000 7 268 47 268 4.86 000 41 000 6 0 0 C C 4#1 000 i j4 --, j;5 000 42 Ono 4, 708 46 708 103 000 43 000 3 403 46 403 60 000 18 000 2 3c 20 60 42 000 18 000 1 685 9 1.1 685 24 000 18 000 993 993 1, 7()'-71 6 000 000 300 100 1iij. - 7 2 3 000 1 500 150 1 650 JCe-% 1 500 1 500 75 1 57" T C)TALS 6`42 500 37133 879 6 .33 1. 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Fiscal v 52 3 19cs 7 195 '47-5 8 195".) —5 9 10" 1 11; D , 6.2,1""' 3lio 9(" 6 5 4 P ' - 19 t' . I A--6 7 u1.9'* ; '37-.6 r' o"' 9 72", 7 9 / '7436m 9 #7 La 7 Wt- standing Of L Year GROW 7]2 J00 660 000 631 000 601 000 71 000 540 000 509 000 477 000 441 000 Ii 09 000 374, 000 3039 000 0.3 000 267 000 230 000 208 000 185 000 1 000 000 I - -12 000 87 000 A 000 1,18 000f 34 000 20 000 5 000 D L E T E R V I C SCHMUM"' OF RE,,e,1UIREh1E.Urk7:36 ATERWRKS RE17ENUE BOND 8 Requirement s 26 000 26 000 29 000 30 0400 00 000 Ax v 000 11 000 2, 000 33 000 35000 31 000 35 000 36 300 36 000 37 000 22 000 23 000 24 000 24 000 25 000 25 000 26 000 13 000 24 000 1) [ 000 000 5 000 Ins , erect Requirements 1 0"-'2 20 393 I.9 -9 079 18 9,31 18 159 17 369 16) 546 1 662 719 13 71-4 1-2 649 11 584 10 502 9 402 3 302 7 157 6 419 5 645 4 3,50 4 038 3 208 2 63 1 733 L 293 875 L C51 0 88 266 802 64 Total 47 072 46 393 43 679 48 931 43 15-0 9 48 369 47 546 47 062 47 719 48 71. 1 4 764946 5 84 46 502 45 402 45 302 29 157 29 419 29 45 2,,-5 850 2(-.-, 038 28 208 2 L2 363 14 733 15 293 Ili 075 15--) 450 5 088 978 802 D E B T SE R v I c rw SCE-1-MUT2, OF iVa/~ .J` .aywi. ..F jUq y..J + Y, ED, RONT)S YRTER IXORES TAX—SUPCHr.-L, 16 J Oat s It.-. and 1"ri P, 3, eginn1' ng PT1L ipaI I1" nterest Total YearofYear Re trireme nt 1Z Requirements Reif s- uirement YOO 262 Oa) 11 000 11 750 22 759 i'Q E . 1 a -t i,- 5 1 251 000 4 11 000 11261 22 261 e 1951-5' 210000 12 000 10 743 22 743 952-53 228 000 12 000 10 201 22 201 1953-54 216 000 1J4 000 9 613 23 613 4)-55 202 000 L),j 000 8 972 22 972 4 138 000 14' 000 8 333 22 333 L )cs 9-`-`- 57 1 !4 000 13 000 7 693 20 693 17-58 Ili 0 000 1.3 000 7 098 20 098 8-59 3J48 000 I , U()G,19 5 647520 475 5 6 1,34 000 JL 000 5 825 19 825 0609-0`1 120 000 15 000 5 153 20 153 i :)5 000 11, 0 0 4 548 15 548 9 6 2 3 94 000 11 000 4 033 15 033 If 3 1-11 000 11 000 351814 518 964-6.5 72 000 12 000 2 975 1-4 975 01 60 000 12 000 2 405 14 405 bu6 7 h8 000 13 000 1 818 i. 818 196'7 6 35 000 10 000 1 295 11 295 2 5 000 000 938 7 938 19697C. 18 000 7 000 663 7 663 1-9 70-- 7a 1-11- 000 000 388 7 388 0 71 - 72 4 000 2 000 200 2 200 1.9 72 3 2 000 2 000 100 2 100 TOTALS 2%4142 000 126 388 007 007 LAW CITY OF BAYTOWN* TEX BUDGET V. N/lj f 1 Y MsseELz,ANEous Wei APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE A IN OR1.) NTCE ADOP-rTNG A BUDGET AR TI-M ENSTT r''rSGAL Lt"Jl D-.. r. 4TV4I T A ' NGX T 1, 1949,, A" ETMI SEPI CER. 30.1JPT 1,Tr V ffT"TH TflE CI-XR.,Tr?j1i. A NTD ORTI)INANCES OF Tj (7 T'" I' OF BAVMV1i* AM. PIRMVIDING "0R THE RMLICATION OF `H1.3 C_" HDI_1.ANCE* W,nM7-,EAS, the nity manager of the City of 36artcjirvn has, Uitted to the City IJI 1 3. COotic'! a bz get. est*mate of the revemies of said city a.n,,,.i the expenses of con— x" ti :-0, a the T,!irs thereof for the ensuing .fiscal. year,,beginning Ck,--,tober 1., cand e,,r, and, whiich said est3'JM tding the 30th day ofSeptert,-er '.9.50D. te has cormot,..'J.ed from detailed information obtained from the several departments,, and offices of the cit.. y,, containing all of the information as required rj.,tr t.h-r:, ', ahar"toer of the City of Baytown,, ate. MORPA" 3 1 1-01 the City Cowic"'l. has receJ.Ved saa"A, - sty manager gs estimate andhe, Lft a public hearing thereon as prcnri,ed by Sectio.,%-,L 44 of the Charter; and WMMI, 3 ', I 4'-A"EM, after a fullandfinal consideration of the public hearc- 1t S the oJ '.ng 1 L I pinion of the council that thebudget as filed should be approved and. ado-ared NOW j THEREECRE.9 BE IT ORDAIIM BY THE CITY COUNCIII OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN: Section to That the budget esti.-Mate of"' the revenues of the City ofBaytown and irs thereof for the ensuing fiscal year$ 7.,e expenses oJr conducting the affao ery:LnningQ-Aober 1,, 1.949.9 and Ending September 30.9 19503 as submitted to the couric]".1 by the city manager of said c.Lty, be, and the same .is,, in all things adopted and aDrraved as the budget estiritit'l- a', of all of the current expenses as as the fixed. charges against said city for the fiscal year beginrling the Ist day of 0cl-ober., 1949,9 and end--*Lng the 3(.)th day of September 1950o A. tj Secti(,'111, .210 That the sum of $390.,157 is hei:,,Pby appropriated out of the A., P., r flu....ri for the payment of operating expenses and capital outlay of the LV, goveri'Muent as hereinafter itemized., to —wit, GIcE., neral G'overnment 4,12.9240 Pul-,Uc Safety 105,w 790 Hig.'I'mays 925530 Sanitation and &ste Removal 103, 4322 C on sf,-,. i-%1-cat ion of Health 9 500 31200 I.tsf ce, 7 an e ous 27 075 C01-1.tingents Appropriation 0,20 Total -490 1W, 9 157 That the sum of $154, 1,,E 0 is hereby apprbpri'Lat ed out of t he wato.r 2'Lad for the operat. ing expenses and capital outlay of the mmicipall;y C,r.71. I EfUi rater works as here inafte-%- z- item]Lrzed .& .9 to pit a CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 67 0 0 I a 7 1 go as ply, 21,890 Tra, :grid ss ion and Distributfor 1013100 usto-Merfs Account' j_n,,-f and Collecting 20,,780 Stores 10,9390 Total $ 154,9 160 Se 40 op-rti0aMatthesumOf $672692 *E hereby appr J.. ated, out of the aenez ao=d.o =t,,ser-viLce fund for the purpose. of paying the a,,-_.,cru1'nc: interest, and 0 redeeming the serial. bonds as -they mature., on the genl.esral (Iebt service bonds a.; z h,:1reinaP-.Pr-vi item I., zed., - to—wit'. Sa- 1,1-14Ur t: rialBond -, I 1es Interest Paments 2, K C 10 n j, e Tot a_' L 611692 S 1 rD I -ffe re ectic 1.1-iat the sum of "V49,,500 appropr-ated opt csf the 7", 6;; r_v und payi 0 ng the accruing interest *vf0.rk,_- deb' ice f far the purpose of de enang the 'b or i!c4s as they matluxe, on the water works debt service os as herenafter iftemized, lo-wilts I , U Seria.21 Fond MaturJ.Lties Inter e-3)' t Paymentsz-, Llc c bring e 49,500 Section 6, That ?4,-, he sum of $8,980 'is hereby appropriated out of the mytin, exper-e mdrig p ,s and capitaloutlayofthe munici al 7io V , ly cwned s, m=ngpoolashereinafteriternized,, U t S .j-es and -Mages 6, 680 sups: I i es 725 M@.. n,-L'Lenance of IalIC", 200 H.r,lrftcr_,An c4e. of ' t 1 200 oux,,uct, "res tenanre r,;ju"pmt:Mt 200 Y)1s#.-..,. e11a-neous se. v. ice.s 975 apital OutLay T- 31080 coon r: That the sum of $303281 is hereby appropriated out of the traf- i'l.c. J,Aorovemerf"L fund for the operating expenses and capital outlay for traffic and im. riroverient as here. 'nafter emize, it d4 t o=iwJLtD 1_esand Wages applies Lhintle,2M,ance of Equipment Z.sceld. aneous Servi*C.PIS a P. 1' t a 3 0 u t 1 a y 3,300 486 350845 25,2,300 30,281 10 0 M Sect ,on This ordinance shall be and remain in fall force and effect from an alftt---r. 3'+,t3 xassage and approval.. by the city council., and it shall be published once each week for two conse'..".11tive weeks in some newspaper published t.n the C`ty of' Baytcrrin. RME, A.-I-Y'TMM Cand APPfZCVK) 'by, at least' a majority of the city council at r mmoeting held at the City Fz- 11 "In the `ty of Bay -town on the3. day of Sep ember, As Do, 19490 J. A. *&rd , Mayor L-iez IMendenhall. Acting City ClerAk W AN 0RDo.T7.A1`1C./,E FDCDG TIM '.1nAX RATE A0, TAX FOR THE ILCITYOFBAYTOVE1. TEXAS5 FOR THE FISCAL YaR 2_7 D, NG UTTE 3EP. 30"1 UPO"1% AU TAXABLE PROPERTY IN SAID TY CIF .&. J_ T-,,!I-Q 6,4 IN CONFORIATITY 41111 THE CHARTER FIROVISIONS A'11V'D TI-M 1C'RD-I1,J1?,NCES (-*)*F SAE) CITTYr- AIM RMMFAL- rN G A 11 01RDIM, LACES OR' PARTS OF IN COITFLICT I TL. R94". 71. H 0 T IBEIT02,JDAINED BY THE CITY CUUMCIL OF TI-E CITY OF 13AIT OIV,IJT c That there, shal-1 be and is hereby levied and shall be assessed 2ct(-%' for the year 191.50. an ad valorem tax of Dollar and Seventy—t-vio each One Hund.red Dollar:-; worth of property located vrithi'n the LjJ t h'ch said taxes 6i'1P,'ts of .the, Ci.ty of Baytav,.Tn. made taxable by '.'La-iwl W I 111ec. 11.1,ed s1m_22 be apportlloncea among the funds and departments of city govern o_ C the Cit.- f Baytown at -id for the purposes hereinafter set forth as follows, F o, r the Genercal :Vrfd For the purpose of paying the acc.-.) ulng iritei,,:est and to provide a sin inc. Band for the payment of - the borided indlebtednsla.so c.A` 1* 37 the City o][" Baytoim 35 Sect ion 2. The Clo+,.,y Tax Assessor, and Collector of the City of Baytovm is 4 reby directed to assoeszs,, extend a-,f--j.d enter upon the tax, rO-Ils. of the City of lnij T-:aas-urgent taxab'.1te year., the amounts and rates herein levied, rn., L & -Por the ther ..,e w. account of same -1d iTrhen so (.,,ollected a,"d "o keep a J ai the same to be t ed -',.,n the dejpos'+,oi y of t' e- Clty of Baytown, to be distributed in accord— ceposIIa It' a th s ord i ,n cetir-L I i cj inance i C, SeV,-., tJ..on 3. A11.1. ord_1.nan.-_-.es of parts of ordinances in conflict here-, errith arealed. A 0ority of the RW, ADOITEDandkFPRCVEDbvtheaffirnati've voi-,, e of a niaj lie City 1y ofBartown Texas at a regular meetinrf held at the 4- o' September, A. Ds. 1949,. a I oiltheda., 2: ArJ_1TT,`2z". J.1 0 C, t 01- 70 ORDINANCE NO, 66 ANO AUTHLORIZING TIE IISSUANCE LND SALE, OF A TAX WARRLNT FfOR PAZING T'HE.' CURRENT EXPE"T"01""Es G.Jpl A _ yM 1, 'f E 1ENG" 4,z IEJF11TKTwER `O 1 ) 1 iu.15CAL AR END TF03"Ti BA IMN FOR, THE F"' 19" 0 PR. LD P E RT 111": AX REVENT.TES T01_3 ` PAYAB TIZ OUT OF T Fl- C LTR 6:1- 121 k . 4 FOR Ti -1E YE LR 19 OFSkIb "TY I49 SAIDV, ANT Tf BE ISSUED M F(A, wo - 'OoO)(.)) DGILLLRS N THE SIOFF1KYTHOUSANDANIDNO/1 v AND PAY.ABLE ON OR BEFORE JANUARY 15THI I50; PIJ,,,D('JING THE T 7 u"JAR ENT PROPERTY TAXESOFTHE CITY OF BAYTOWN xOR ""'HE YEA1R. i N AS SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENTOFSAEDWAILTWTTC PRO- VTDIN(" A SAS INC S CLAUSE, UTMEIIS the City of Baytown., pending the co:ale r of the current property t8,XC-,--:3 f lr-ovall sou- NI.,"Ces for the year 1949 is without f?..inds wherew-1.tuh, to pay its currenlk-.. jo-111. A.. 11' gat ilwas 'incurring and -1.1c be in.caurred for the operation ofthe General. of the Government, and order to acquire. funds wherewith to defray 7 I he O'covernment it 'is necessary the. ou- l-rent expenses of the General Departmento-.- tha-t, 'Llhq City of Baytown issue and sell a tax antic' -pat .on warrant 'in the sum of K`Lf ty Vi,.ousand anJ No/1.00 ($ 50, 000, 00) Dollars and 'to i-,LnIA-2-cipate and T)'11-edge an tD l portion of the current property ta-,.Cesof the o1'+,.,y for the year 1949, as he'mftt.l -,. - `Q - 0 Oer state - NOW THEREFORE - p BE 7 13ff THEC17YCOUNCILOFTHE CITYOFDAYTOW11-0 SECT ION 1. '77hat for the purpose of providing , c_,-,uff1'c41,,erAt moneys for the pay- ec ing of the current expenses of -the city per.1,16ing the coll t on of the current Pro- puer,.y taxes, from all for the year 1949, the City Treasurer bey and he is he-i-1/_--,.by authorized too forthwith prepare, or have prepared, and to execute, counter signed by the City Managel-,, a ta-v,- anticipation warrant of the City of Baytown in tha sum of Fifty Thousand ano" Noll-00 ($50, 000,00) DollaTrs In antlelpation of the K) except'ng Irom said taxes C1611r, N_.nt proper- IC-4y taXCS Of" said cityfortheyear .1949, Su._.Ii amounts _aj may be required for the payment of all interest upon the bonded A- debtedness of s,,-.'el ro'1ty and all suchsums as may be. required to be paid into the Ll 11 ond nKrg the fiscal year ending Septemlber 30., 190.5 0'ir"g L-un--' dul 1'.2 r - 4- issuanceSEC '1110N 2 Tha U said warrant when issued shall b_t:ar 'tht- date, of its issuance, 0- and an... T br,3 pay-ab].Le or, or before January159509in. the amount af oresaid ti cq ..aal be-%ar "rit-ere-st from its date andnottoexceedtwondae-half pere cent I b e i s si -L. I ')ri subtantiall. y the fol-, 2 ma turity,, Said warrant sha NT EXPIE 11SE WARRANT OF THE CITY OF BAYTOZ" C, UIRRE il FI. TY THM21AND AiZ N01100 ($50, 000 M 00) DULLARS 11110 OF THE C'1_TY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS-, On or 'bef,:)r, 9.. the 15th day of January,, 1950,, from the. cturrent property taxes c Ilected "or, the year 1949., exclusive of an amount as may be required 'to pay the ol e City of Bay -town and also, exclusive interr,st ',,on thebonded ' ndebtedness cl' +h I of supInas may 'berequired .to, be paid into the bond Sinking fun" of sa'Ifl ar 30, k.111e sum of 1950, pay to BEARER, CitV L"Ot -_-,he fiscal year ending Septefrit thereon fromdateatthethInterestZhousanc]. and No/100 ($50,000) Dollars wi I rate of twoandone-half per cent (444) per annum- until paid. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS m ypa-virab -,vT!--riz le from, 'the tax.es (of t1je, ear 1049ex of thpto%rof 1to 0 ily 3et, ozi,t b sufth upaca- eorne11 f .,Id rETv--"-%auehen coll,'."Lected are especial- ly ass.-.LZ.ned and pie ed T tle c,f)" t hi S iva rr a It I Thl-,9 a 7ssne ol".. 1:.he j-)-am', o6e Of p-rc-v*d ing cl for the payment oyf P. 11 oty in of said propel" Ctl,r, e r:t. exne r, o + he C clv I ,y of D e C, i id t1n, e 1 11 e c tt. o T r C 0.M 1.1, --t h day of he taxes$ as aut.10*:rlmed*by an ordinance. ed 'v, t c n t h e, 18 cbtob-:Nr$ A,* Dot 19490 It -2- 11( A. a y I f or the T C "ht Loral Ba--rik, & 71cust Coqpany of & a:yt, 0 as depos r ITT author,"" zed and d"-rect-(j, to ay- thij vvarrant a t ei nd a'11 'ntares-1- Or, sent ot "on of sa-,rvne. on thez., 1.5th day- of Janijary, A D T- Y c IT y TVA I VA GER, C31TY CF 11k^-7LOWN L 111L .14tV, Of Baytovm for, tlae yelar 1-194) ON' 3 to of the (1, Por the paymenl-, cftheJLssut--id in accordance v itl- j th,' V a; S 1bly pledged and set aside as, they sllialdl 'be collected ner -- rel hex'eby 1'rrr.--,V00a lie. uxpos e of t Ir f the p PaN, nt ofa. sia M wra-11rarito -Ind there:6 J-3 7, ebyappropr',A,, ed ind ,Jrm, setasi.out kof ' t he a, c o' le- ctansf r om t he 19 a`, ad f 'r: rrenj tp .,x a-11 P-rt0j)erty,, - meal,, Pera(:)nal and m j'xed2 1pvithion thie G-1-4y of Bap, own i Are a '19' 9 he dedu01-i of such amount. s. as may be, rec. U red for the to 3.1. Interest u')Ori the bonded, le" Of I., N IV 41 inaofsabePaI'd out, e requiredtucbe ' nto t,Le. al--r em taxes a ind all such stu;iz-i as h d fund of the said clity J.- s ct- -a 1 year endinC Sept ember .3C19500jP i'Ll J nance 4 -',Yw sectior),, sz-absectloil., o1al'.1,sc, 16 lrvas're t', ', s ord-'.- e L ,,,al orJorial, the re-ma.-iridr.--lr of such -)rdinanca- and so cl,9 d0eSr'ot neces%sarily fall -vrit dn an.,-,jt i oa -a I or -utcon, stjt,-u n fu orc+C."n in f.. dinance No. 63 adopted by the,- C*tyC(,-,u. c',j of -tj-)eC,ty elf Bay -- I -' T1 I -L 1, On thl., 4tili day of October, 1949, 'is hereby exj)111-r-,,--;1.!Z,1-v repealed and"'declared 1-c te to L-arth(:--,,Ar force or effect,, ve vo af.J-P-Irmeat-'L te of a maj Of the CIty Counc Oil of 't lie- ilJ -he18thde, yof Oct obt,-- I.-)-LQ Cit y br C erk I I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 72 rq-;",%SSjFjr',krTjC)Dj OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARAC"IL"ER AND OBJECT EXPENSES,t These corapra*se al-11- items of expenditure necessarily 'incurred for curre lit administration operation and maintenance and for mateom r 31.,10 and 'UUeq Opment in the of renewals or replacements which do not add to the capital assets (,.,f the clity. It e Sa,.r.J-es and wages B0 Supplies Ca MaAerj.,-All (or contract) .for raintenance of land T 4 .14,s (or contract) for maintenance of bi i.ildingsj improvements and A S,- " uctures F.* - ' t,`.;'terial (or contract) for maintenance of equipment F. Miscellaneous services ti" r Scharges imd- Q-1ry GAF .71A, Ij GUTIAY&P Comprises expenditures of every character which increase the ta' capi . 1assets of the city. X L- q nd3 Y16 Baildings and structures Z. Equipmaint R X P E N S E S A. SAIARIES AM ITAGES4* 0 A-1 SupervisorytTo include legislative3l executive and administrative A-2 Clerk hire co Clerical services or service of that nature A,--3 -Fa- nor operatiom, To 'Include -professional and technical service As-4 Labor iiiaintenance: Services perf oriiied in repairing and maintaining a standard of, a C Ia nd s D. Biiildings, improvements and structures Z. Equipment A—',- , Extra help low 19-1 Off i0cla Supplies v. To 'Include all supplies necessary for Use in the A. operation of theoffice., such. -).s C a E; e To include printing of budget, circular lettersy reports, P C3 Lind specificationsk40...-.J- cations*,o To include blue prints, cataloguest charts., magazines., aps, newspapers., etc* I M If CITY OF 5AYTQWN, TEXAS V - N Loneryg lo inciude binders3 blank books clips,, desk pads ink, envelopes, erasers filing cabinet supp1l.ecz., labels manuts.1criptoirers., - Pa as type— ubberstamstamps,paper, paste, pencils, penr writ.er supplies,, tracing cloth., etc. B 1 1od, Fb.elsupp'l' 1'e, S To 11-lcl:ade coa, F 1 1woetc a s o10a`1 articles ol-'L' food for human beings 7 B3 SUPPliestT4- inclu A_ 1 I cl Ons 10 To include such articles as 3-14 Apparel,,, dry goods :nc:'t noi 1 0 ap, U V , C, -ns 11 s cloth,, cotton goods.9 badges, belts, blankets, I oots, can qt-. C ur t a Lrl 3,> dress 11 ns,, hlts., 1` nieo',.1 cloth, pillow cases,, j. shee.,-,Jshoesslickers., 141-tread., t. f_-jwe1-7, 9 -).Ms,, et...10 url g barn and shoe ingf, ForagetQ , To include all articles of food lCor animals Barn: To 'include brushe.-35 curry combs, dilsinfectants,, sand,, a - vv s c sawdust,, shravings, spon-'es., str e o 4J_ LrshoeingTo *nolude a'11] cost of in-ateTial ax_d labor for shoeLng an I D-Mbtorvehicle slapplies ncl-!J-de gas0 lne, grease, lubricating oi1 and r all accessories 3-7 111rior apparatus, instrumelInts., tools and utensils,,, which are liable to loss theft: eft, and. rapid d,eqk.-,irecJat'1. 1 0 ML.qor apparatus* To include that used in cleaning, engineering, I hospital, laboratory and inedicall, such as alcohol lamps., real , no .:as . j blow I _Lpes, biAlrners.9 fl, lanterns., measures, tub:.. -1 gl etc. 1,1nor instrumentk.ot To Inc hide calipers., com.passes., drafting 0 instruments gauleg lenses, measurilig chainsp pincers, sterilizers., therriometersj etc Minor toolsoo To 'nclude augers, axes, bits, braces, crovrbars3 J eng-Ineer's stakes,, fire hose_, handcuffs, jacks) p1mches5 reamers, shears3 wrenches,q and articles of similar nature. Llinor utensils© To include barrels, bass-kets., brooms, brushes,., cams 7 cliAmois skins,, cups,, ,cusp dishes, electrical globes, glass— i, rare, enamelware, knives, L:amps., rrcat s and articles of like nature. B-8 la-undry., cleaning and toilet: To 'Include cleansing preparations deodo.",ants 1 1 1 C-1 soap,,wax, etco disinfectants,, floor oils, scouring powders, 19 Ch-rr.ical,q medicalandsurgic,a TIo, incl de alcohol, alum, antItoxins, bandages,, chlorine., gauze liome3 medicines, prescript ions, rubber sup— plies, soda ash sit -ire materialS, vacc-._ne etc. D-'10 !.J.._?m1aniCC1_ L supplies 00 To. 'nclude fuel oil., lubricating oil., grease, waste, etc. P-7d, Lducal-, ional and, recreatlionu- 1 supplies: To _Lnclude all articles of transient use., as baseballs,, liinme for inarking tennis courts rent on mo--krIng pleture fl'lms,, tennis balls,, e.-L.c. 3 —1.2 iclude bulbs, disinfect — ins", To 'Bc,;•anical end ap icultural zu PPLU antus fertilizers, seeds trees YOUngplants, etc..9 used for parks Dublic grounds* Ir p_1 I . L, %, .in (.:ir supplies: Tnis is to :11 ,clade supplies that have not beena1loca-IC, ed a EC, a i r aw Mat,eri,jiL_- are conmiod3".t.ies c.-IC a permanent nature n , imfinished, or 4 1 -vv-al, replacement or f..'Lnis.h-,,d Ssftatez, enter:Lng 'ir,11-to the coinstruction 9 rene repair of anyland,, bui1--1i 1, 1 ng, stnicture, or equipment CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS I L I I a 74 IiAerial con -tract) f or maintenance of landou All expenditures (mate 0 r"lal or ^'Iontract) covering land maintenance., such as regrading ., drains I g eto. t structures, and im- D. Yater.Lal, contract) for imo-intenance of buildings., 0 provem,- c--int s All, expend 1.",u-1:,es (material. ar contract) caveroi.ng repairs and replacemc. 1- of: D- 2, 1- ild. -4 ..ngs D- 2 D r:'L 11 g e s D- 3 Filtration plants D! anitary sewers 4 Sidewalks, steps, curbs, gutters and culverts D- 6 St =arm s ever, s Standpipes and reoervOirs j- b Streets., roadways, and highway D- 9 Incinerator and dumping grounds D- 10 other T(~" o % t j cover ing ivil-Aintenance of equipment 00 All expenditures + erial or contrar, repa: L,rs and replacements ofoo E- Furniture, fixtures and furnishings E- 2 Machinery,, -',-.,00ls and implements (major/ E-. 5 Instruments and apparatus Gia j car . Includes fire apparatus* E- 1. Motor vehicles, Includes tires and tubes E- 5 Other vehicles Em- u Harness E- 7 Livestock E- 8 Books (Includes purchase of new books for library) E- 9 1ka-terworks mains E- 10 Ficaters and settings Signal systems B-- 12 heating systems E- IJ Service connections F- 11 Fire hydrants lt- e-i 5 Other a Fo, K1-3CE;1,A1TE0USSERVICES* services are activities performed by other than municipal de partments., under expressed or implJLed agreement involving personal services plaE,- the use of equipment or the furni'shiiiL of commodities* F- 1 Gornz,'anicat ion: To include messenger serv--*Lce,, telegraph and tele- Phone ea coinpensation fouse of equipment 2 ofequipmentToinclu(. r r., C' hire 4JQ hireofteams, with or -Without vehicles, with or without r also allowancn. to em- for 11se of private cars. ivers. ployeesfILF- 3 Insurance To include premiums on all kinds of insurance on prop- e7t.y and equipment., alo-o liability insurance and surety borids. vial. services To ' 1 eludecompensation for personal services 4.4r3...n sl,,A,r. h as special and surveys3 inspecting materialsp aadits special legal services etco 0 75 legal and otherwi,-3e, n"-veling expenses*, To 14-IncI,,2,de expense of Public Officers ,311-r-P-9. ees in-I%ed in regular rpef-morance of their duties forYoar A Lticr1sportation by public carriers., etc o T- 7 Re n t s F-8 F-9 rJ_son erspr.).rt of pe-ii-sonts 'p F-I 0 '""' N'bansporcation (other than employees) F -'-"L I - Ligbt arid power F-12 Ftelg, ht, expres,,s and drayage (unallocate-1,d) F- 13Ot h % z r A"i ESO es i r,,ludin thocse expenses legrcally r -irorally obligatory upon ry Charg .,hide 01, cityasapublic. corporatloft, 11 ql and re-wna, r o '-)tos 1 Contribut' gratuit' 1 ncludedonationsandotb,nr orfTanizations OTT char itable inst ftuti ions hrsp'ta...- 1. r7es r,enL,--c,,.tJI. on toprisonersen,t,,,,e.rta'nnieA pr. I floral c- feringst etc. 1 1 and 'interest ri. nc, i p a 1-02 Debt s enric e To ri(-,,Iu tI payment of p of funded and 1,..Mrifunded debt Re funds Judgm, ent s and. damages G- IPensions U- 6Taxes G-7 Court costs U , jury and il-gritness fees G-8 OtherA P Irp AL OUTLAY X cs I A % IDS dr k-I 1-- u- rchas P1. price To include all expenditures f or .and as abstracts, assessments, cost of appraising., recording of deeds., surveys,, etc. X-2 Detferments : To include all expenditures (i.nclud. i,ng pay -rolls)., o CO-Vering Original cost of' drai'ningj enL, Ine- e ring and inspection, fl-r!--.,t grading sodding., , PI'zintiong and terracing, C. D 8 C, BUIMIN, "IrS STiJITCTTJRES*o All expenditures including payrolls for new or adullotions to.4 I' - I Ei - J, 3!-1 *1 n g s D-, idge s Y-3 I-J11-0ration plants San-tary s ewer L d ewa 1 k s eiirbs., gutters and culverts ti.,,ormsewerc.; T- and reservo-,rs 3 aln.reets, roadwa,,Ty,-, z., a-idI: Li 6--'hways. f- ncl Y-,, 'nerator C) ;Xhp,-r CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS rr I j C7 Ujyrzbj All. ex-PEP-riditures to ccn4-er original cost of equipment (riot replacements) which incrg..a.C-',3e the value of the f3Lxed assets of the city. 1% , Z-1 Iture f'xtlires and P-ir-iAsh.-IM s 1---iery,, tools, and :Lriiplemel-its fenia"or4-2 Z-3 stru.ments and apparat, -,-3 (Yrmjor), tM*s includ es all fire appa ri? tus Z-4 vehicle,,r.- Z--5 Ot-her vehicles Aarise ss la," v e s t o - ch k Books "does not lri.ch: of books for. library) 9 liiatr-xworks mains 10 kleters and set," gna 1 S.Vs-,t, erq Z-12 HeatiLlig Se-lw- v-.-*Lce corinectiorL,53 Fir%e- hydr -alit Other 76'