_FY 53-54 COB Adopted Budget mviSH39OM N31S3H0 AS SOlOHd-- '1NY1d 'IYSOd Sid 39vM3S M3N `1HE>IU!30NYUIN3 '700d ENIWWIMS `dO.J. LV !U3M01 H31VM S3WY(' Lsv2 '1j31 Room, Now" 1 � � -.=vz l kxt � � 3 �� 3 G' - P a r,����,t' ..._ _- ,�'�_..,�__ -�....•..•...mr,,;...x..ae,,�+,,_.+ter*nR'� d s f aaovxvn azia 'hoia IQQB4 xi.AuVa -o as a—l-Twoa 'IloNdoo XJUD (INV Holy 1i aHZ AS QaZdOQV sv 17961 OE HaI ll alaas orIIQAia Uvax 'IV'JsI3 :Ills Ho3 I 1,1_7 f I NJ NJ Xr-IT J L a-91,(I f I OF v v KAi OIXV CcKF AO XL L13 l �- A H H UA L B UD G E T of the CITY OF BAYTOWN 9 TEXAS f or the Fiscal Year October 1 1953 - September 30, 1954 Compiled by C, DARWIN MIDDLETON 9 CITY MANAGER And p YAdoptededb the MAYOR and CITY COU NC I L CITY COUNC IL R o H . PRUETT 9 MAYOR E. W, E LAWLESS Mo L. CAMPBELL R. Be BERGERON W o D. REEVES H. M. CAMPBELL LACY LUSK 1, ABLE OF CONTENTS. 5- wm __ PAR? I a SUt dMARIES Introduction* 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0•e The pity Manager's Message..***** 00 019000 00*0000000 General Budget Summary..- Revenues060-668*06000*00** General Budget Summary - Expenditures-0.000000000000 Analysis of Property Valuations0000000loo.**Ololoio00*10 Tax Levies and Collection for all Funds** 000 0 0 General Fund Resourceso.00000000-0000000000000-00000 General Fund Expenditures by Function and. Activity General Fund Expenditures by Character and Object. PART IIo DETAILED EXPENDITURES OF GENERAL FUN General Governmenta Pace Mo. I II 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 CitYCouncil...., o e o„e s.,q.e,o ,• • o e s e • • e • • • s s • • e • e o 11 14 CityManager.*. 0 09*9 00 **060 00000 00000 000*0 0 000 ur• oeo•ea•sssss eo•eee••o•sse•e i Corporation1QE1 tJ.ons o• o 0 o s o o s o see • o•• e o s s o• e e e o s o e• o a o s e e +-+ 0 Finance...*.Ooo*OOOOOOOOOOOO000000000000000000 2 LC o••• e••• s o e s e o e e e s e• o•• s s s s s•• s o e o 0 o e e•• o o s 22 CityHall......** 0000*0009*00000000*0000000000 24 Public Safety:49 Police Department** 0*0 00000 0 0 0 000 00.0000100 000 0 0 26 Fire Department000 0000 0900 0 00000 00 0*000000 00 00 29. Protective Inspection00006 0000000 00 000*000000 0 32 Highways : Ro a dwa%YPSto•sooo oeooooooooeoooeoeeo•soee.seeee•••eo34 37 Street Lf:d4zhtln9 .. s o e o 0 00 s• o o s e 00 e e o o s e e• s+•• e• Sanitation and haste Removals SewersendSewageDisposal....e..o°ooo0.0..... 38 Collection and Disposal....ae.°o0e•.•..0 42 Waste Conservation of Health 000000000000000000000000000 Recreation: Municipal Parks**** 000 0 00000000000000000000006 46 Playffelds and Playgrounds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48 Swimlng Poo 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _0 0 49 Ml,sceiianeous e Garage. s•s•e o oso e•ss•e s essse o e oee ooee•ose eo00• 52 5 Insurance s s s a o e s• e e•• e• o o s o s e000 s e e o 0 o e s s e o e e e r Page No PART Lilo WATER WORKS SECTION Income and Expense Statemen-l---,00000000000000000eboo 57 0 1 s io n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 3 Expenditures - By DI-v1 and Object000000000000 59 Expenditures - By Charac-ter 1 0 * 60 Su p p 1 y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 63 Transmission and D'istr.'Ibutl'..on00000000000000000000e 66 Customers' Accounting and Coiiectingo*000060000000 69 Sto re s 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 1 De b t S, e ry 10.,c e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 PART IV TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT FUND Income and Expense StatementDO00000000060009040600 72 d Object.,,,,, 73 Summary of Expenditures by Character an 74 0 0 * a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Publ-tc Safety..0600600000000 PART VO DEBT SERVICE SECTION Resources and Requirements AllBo nd s . * 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 78 General Obligat- lion Bonds.00000000000000000000 79 Water Works Revenue Bondso...00000000*0000000 80 Description of Bondsou General Obligati 81 gation Bonds., 0000606000000060000 83 Water Works Bonds..000000000000000000000*0000 Maturity Schedules oo a t 0 o n Bo rid s . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 85 General Obl' ga 1 rted Bonds* 00000600000000 86 Water Works Tax-Suppo-- 87 Water Works Revenue Bonds.,0000600000000060000 PART VI, MISCELLANEOUS Appropriation Ord' inance000000000000000000000000000 88 Ordinance Fixing Tax Rate...0000000000000000000000 91 Classification of Accounts00000000000000000000ecog 93 I I AANNUAL BUDGE T A R T T L elm koll-Y Ult-- LSAYTUWN, TEXAS I N T. R 0 D U C T ON The 1953-t4 Budget of the City of Baytown will consist of the following budget accounts each operating under and with its own funds as appropriated by the i - 1 C.,ty Counci- and f-z-om revenues derived from sources particular method of operationoo pertalorUng to thalt The General Fund operating with revenues from tax sources and from other miscellaneous sources of revenue 2) The Water Fund operating from sale of water, 3) The Traffic Improvement Fund operating from -- revenues Supplied by parking meters. 4) Bond Funds operating from taxation and from water revenues I I I I Lai I I A II I THE CITY 'AANAGER S BUDGET' MESSAGE SSE= To the Honorable !Aayor and Cfty Courtc l City of Baytown Baytown Texas Gentlemen 208 of the revised60139it].ePursuanttoA°°t le 0 Gaty Charter, thereC3.V.I*l Statutes of Texas, and Sect'Ion 41 of the IS 0 . submitted a estimate of the revenues and expenditures of the various funds of the City for the fiscal year beginning October 191953 and endi_ng September 309 1954a a}_, ° message w.Y1 be short and to the polnte ot1 its s xih year of op- The Cltv-- of Bavwn has com leted. 9 I'OV P eration and ag in much in theway of development has happened 0. and many i_m- provemer ts0 populati. onC0 tycTheC-ity has 3 ..ncreased into the 3waterhave beenstartedandcompletedalines, w tt i000 ga11 r mia route v elia 300,000 gallon ground storage tank and 4009000 gallon elevated storage tank has been.- completed at the cost of $ 1489000,00, A- new Sewage Disposal Plant with a capacityis under construction to serve people . atthepresenttimer The C'tY 1 5 do.ng the construction work with 0-tvs own force, The t. in 0 auove ment ,ned _1m,_nrovements are bung pai for from the Baytown 010k Improvement Fund g a cash 40Pay as You go Plan" . within the next nineThe Sewage Disposal Plant w'1111 becompletedImonths,,, Twenty-one new street 11" ghts have been added, an el*ght 0Streetghway nch water 110ne from Main Hi146hasbeenlaidalongTexasAve,, anci from TexasAve,,,, on nth Street to James Street, alongLee Driove 0011131W'.0-. 1. to _ iY95 Street and connected wi-ththe old Pelly I- I I I I I I M- d water y t mo:;,c rr, the C'ty wI .thmains, water and connects all 0 St rig systems Severai blocks of streets have been topped with asphalt and l mestome:West Ma0n z>^tre''pt from the"Y" to Bryan Street was 1 uvldened 14 ceet W1.' - h shel l Concrete base - and topped with rock .as-- phalt, The -urve was cu+ down and stralghtenedo Several sani- and Traffsc slogn were erected and many other i.tems were added to improve the C.0.ty. 0 0 t Tape Collectiono ty had asuccessful yearin I. SThe It had a 95 of the currentyears tax,,Several delin- coller'.- ti'on quent Tape Accounts were e ted On th0. s Fi sc.al Year. Property k.j 4 u 0 U t 0 66 5 3y914o00o Thefr $ valuators ncreased annualtaxrate for the year-1.95,1,,:a=54 wi'Nll be $ 1,,72 per 1001. ThlS broken downe v 11 be $ 1,50 for General Government operation and 29 for fond k e r m r The totalamount of the General Fund Q11 amount to$ 039 Budget wi 7o47"/ c. nc lud rig 18,000.00 Go nt.1ndle gent Fund and 23 236 4 Fur d, The Total Budget for 77 Emergency the WaterFundw0 be $ 225 6980680 Tl--, e total water revenue wi...l i..Y9 0surplus of be approximately $ 305, 000,00 leavl..ng a:ii unapproprailated 0 32,200.001 co ated Traff-oc Fundrevenuew'11 beI 790698c000 The ant ip 0 .$-r ioatedsurplusof $ 15less operati-r-i- g budget n9 8i6,00, The1953.,=54 Budget -., not show an loncrease for salariess-: 0 Q f,o ra' at the beginning I 1 w111 but It IS contemplated that the C'ty of the F,scal yearY9rm%3m54 make a study of the salary situation anti make such necessary 0jus tme nts needed, effective as of October 1, I I I I I I I IV. improvementsTherearemanyproposed to the City that are necessitate the wideningnecessit,}ro The newtunnel wellofvital and pav3' g of M1 sourStreet and Oklahoma Street to. -Vd3scons3ne The 1 0 of anew Street a recent Bond Issue the. cost nCountyhas r cluded along Missour5 and Oklahoma, also along 'West Main Street from the the C-1*-.ty W-0 11 have to bear th e costof gr] dge tm Causeway Road,but drainage9the moving of water and sewer addlotoons wollinto run0atremendouscostThiosmoneywl-*11 have to Improvement Fund,Contingent Fund and be taken from the Council the Emergency Fundo A new Trunkl:ne SanitarySewers beginnIng at the Morrell park d sposal plant follow.ng Goose Creek Stream to the Hospital to plant flrdo-sposal plant, then to the new disposa1 will be constructed 9ra 1954s The money w 11 forthiscome from the Baytown Improvement be included in the 1954mo55 Budget Fund and some will 0 0ti. oncall water mains paticularlyin the Woodlawn ad- d t,,on surpius of the Water Fund; therefore the City will have to govern t s expenditures, with close scrutiny, There can be very few lo new Tmpro emer ts the current fiscal year other than those made in C mentioned aboveo There are no outstanding10ndebtedness-against the city other thangoracl Issues, The City i s on a current "Pay as You go 0 go Ba s 1S30ihlsBudget was compiled with two -ideas uppermost In mind: 1. To keep the same tax ers asPI(eviOUS Y Q::A, T o g 1' v e t h e t. Ial x p a,,/- e r t 0 that can maxIff! U III TIV 1 (rl; e be, rend.P.,red t"o f- t`l every iioney spellte dtoll-;;i: 0" r tax i e rat want thank the Ma'jorg CJ'ty Councii and Depart- i f o ), t B a - t w rf :D , - j plenr "d co,-)p- He d Emp o y e e s ,-a nd Y N. the f. eratl- ld w"th the C)P for , ast year )-oper,-t'on, of Xe in develope the r, ity of Bay+. 1 nt o a, B e t 1, e a 1 --1- , vl%-9 c a n Which, 4,-.,,: Li' ve". I CDMo.vg a Ir E Respectful Go arw: i- n M.1 d d 1 e t o n AA 0-- r, Cal g e r city 10 REVENUrsJENEJHJ1, BIDGET SUAUARY' 54th F'scal Ye.,,--ir 9t) REV E NUIES sudge.t p o s a 1 s 1. General Fund 0. 9 7! 2"72 Appropriated Surplus- Into an1,dSi" K J 82 360 on- . Unapproprila-ted Operat-i o X t26 019 4, w,c e s FromTaxSouA. ...q., e.e185 499From Non T a- 5 o, u r c e s IQIAI 801 150 2. Water Fund Operating Surplus - Unappropri. ated, 7 295 949 000 From Sale of.'' Water 10 000 Mf'scella,nirvous Other Total 3,12 949 T r a f f 'Ific, -it Fund Operatin,--Surplus-Unappropriated 18 31 613 200 Anti 3pated Revenue Total 49 813 4, General OblIg-,. aTon Debt Sentce Fund From Tax Sour 67 7 330 272 Surplus Total 74 602 5,, Water Works Debt Serlyi-ce Fr®m Water Gperatlong Fund 48 359 Total 0 4 8 P, o,..? 9 M'7 20 t..-jr,NERAL BUDGET SUMMARY - EXPENDITURES For the Fiscal Year 1953-54 E X P E N D I T U R E S Budget Proposals 1. General Fund Current Expenses Capital Outlay Debt Service Unappropriated Reserve Total 2. Water Current Expenses Capital Outlay 0 Debt Servi. ce Contribution to General Fund Unappropriated Reserve Total 3, Traffic I rovement Fund Current Expenses Capital Outlay Unappropriated Reserves Total 40 1 General Obligation Debt Service Fund Requirements Surplus Total 5. Water Works Debt Service Fund Requirements Total 587 344 143 289 68 414 2 103 801 150 142 330 1 700 48 359 40 000 80 560 312 949 17 104 000- 32 709 49 813 68 414 6 188 74 602 48 359 48 359 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS I 30 A NALYS IS OF PROPERTY VALUATIONS FISCAL ASSESSED ESTIMATED TRUE VALUE BASIS OF ASSESSMENT PERIOD VALUE 1940-41 3 984 000 1) 12 073 000 33% 4) 1941-42 4 805 100 1 ) 14 t60 000 33% 4) 1942-43 4 984 700 1) 15 105 000 33% 4) 1943-44 5 104 700 1) 15 470 000 33% 4) 1944-45 5 083 100 1 ) 15 400 000 33% 4) 1945-46 5 477 600 1) 16 599 000 33% 4) 1946-47 6 313 000 1) 19 130 000 33% 4) 1947-43 9 964 000 2) 30 194 000 33% 4) 1948-49 17 500 000 3) 35 000 000 50% 1949-50 19 374 137 38 748 274 50% 1950-51 27 983 026 55 966 052 50% 1951-52 30 225 248 60 450 496 50% 1952-53 31 731 097 63 462 194 50% 1953-54 32 7 14J 837 65 429 674 50% Notes l) Combined assessed valuati,ons for Goose Creek and Pelly. 2) Combined assessed valuations for Goose Creek, Pelly and 3) 4) BaytownO Complete reappraisal of property, made in 1948. The 33basis shown here is a guess. Actually there was no basifs" Property owners made their own rendIt" 1 0 ons. Apparent- ly neither Goose Creek nor Pelly ever had an appraisal of property for assessment purposeso