Ordinance - Street Improvement Program LINE OF GUOti E ULM 3 Tr hM I AD D blfir S TA;_T FROY
A j'uiiThl jiLLY 1LTLTWOL Uk 'f' Ii;s i iu,.U, .
TEE'" (12), hLOUX jiO T'10 (2), dGBe.ii'E;l,_ ', Ll—
Tloil TG ThL, U1TY Gr' 1:&1Y, TO ihE diraT Ll" (,j:
UE Ii+TlaMUN OF Tkk! U1TY GF r]i LY TG Crt%&TL -Y
p,,V1ifU LlhV aGkL114ST AAY I'H01I1'iiTY aWT'TII;:; Ul-.;i
,,Ili) TkbS�: 1WAED 201MUN THMZOF,,,iA &L1NG ALLL
,rill) Dt; I; t 1idG AN W2RG!gGY.
WBMF,aS, the City of Pelly, harris County, Texas, is
carrying on a street improvement program from bond funds voted
by the people of the City and by assessments made against the
owners of property abutting and adjacent to the streets to be
lmprovea, and
,VhEltXA�, in carrying out said program, the City of
jelly has passed ordinances providing for the making of such
assessments against abutting and adjacent property, and the ov,ners
thereof, preparatOny to the issuance of paving certificates; and
,VHEHE,IS, included in the differed streets proposed to
be improved and paveCt is last First Street from the East line of
3rd avenue to the Last line of Causeway Road;
7x,st Second Street from the East Line of 3rd .venue to
the East line of 2nd Lenue;
,lest first Street frDm the Wiest line of Causeway Road
to the lest line of ,unelia S tree t;
ilest Second Street from the 'Vest line of Causeway Haad
to the East line of .imella Street;
,kmelia Street from the south line of .lest first street
to a Aoterly extension of the 6outh line of lot No. Three (3},
Block No. One (1) , C. F. Jones Addition to the City of Yelly;
1st lLvenae from the South litre of train Street to tkie i:orth
dine of East Third Street;
3rd wenae from tale south line of Alain Street to the
worth line of East Second Street;
oak street from the ::orth line of ,lest 11azro Street to
the South line of ,rest .tugs Street;
Elm 6treet from the 11orth line of lest ldazro Jtreet to
the south line of ;lest Sings street;
Eupon Street From the i:orth line of lkraine Street to
the Soutb line Of dest Biggs Street;
Billow Street from the LOrth lire of Dustine ,street to
the South line of .lest Razro Street;
ash Street from the liorth line of 14rairie ;street to the
i�ortb line of NazrO d treet;
Cedar :itreet from the north line of Lain Street to the
South line of Gast 4-iribm dtreet;
avenue a from the forth line Of ldain Street to the South
line of 1-;Kst idazro .i tree t;
avenue B from the north line of 1:a n . treet to the South
line of an alley in Block ldos. `den (10) and Eleven (11) in iiiddle-
to�m addition to the City of Pelly;
a-Jenne G from the l,orth line of Bain :itreet to the South
line of East Nazro Street;
Avenue D from the forth line of Lain street to the South
line of ;,[right Street;
Neal Street from the East line of Ceder ;Street to the
.lest line of Pruett Street; and from the East line of Pruett Street
to a Southerly extension of the East line of Lot Tdo. ,dine (9),
Block ido. Seven [7}, :._iddletDw1a addition to the City of Pelly;
aright Street from the East line of Ceder ;itreet to the
',lest line of ,venue a, and from the Las t line of avenue C to the
,jest line of erw tt Street;
East i:azro Street from the Fast line of Truett :;treet to
the ,jest line of Goose Creek Street;
East -iriam Street from the East right-of-Tray line of the
:,Duston-north Shore i.ailroad to the Last line of Cedar Street;
Ast Biggs Street from the ,lest line of Oak Street to
the East line of Eupon Street;
Oak Street from the avorth line of ,Jest Riggs Street to
the North line of Johnson :itreet;
Johnson Street from the nest line of Oak Street to the
South right-of-way line of the Dayton-Goose Creek Railrood;
Graham atreet from the East line of Pruett :itreet to the
,rest line of Goose Creek Street;
revenue r from the i-urth line of Leal Street to the -'ast
line of Truett Street;
' r
.,venue H from the :lor th line of .Dist :iayao ;treet to
tha gouth line of Irahnn Jtreet;
dells Jtreet fronn a 80utherly extension of tr_e .,est line
of Lot i{n. Thirteen (13), 31ock , D. T m (-2), :tobertson'e Addition
to the City of Polly, to tt4 .lest lines of Goose Creek Street; and
Ugh Street from a liortberly extension of Uellest line
of lot i{o, Twelve (IL), Block 110. T'nc (2), itobertson's sdditionto
tue City of relly, to the •test line of Goose Creek Street; and
W,zaLui, it has been aecided by the City of xelly to
abandon its program of improvements on ti,e streets abutting all of
said property described above aiid adjacent to said property, Loud
tse owners thereof Ure desirous of having evidence shoving that the
liens have not been perfected a,,nd that it is not the intention of
the City of Pelly to ao the propoeed improving and perfect the liens
for the issuance of _aving certificates; NOW, TiMEFQBE,
BE 1T 0it714T.,,ZD BY ThE CITY CCU.-' 551Gif OF Ti,E CITY �F 11ELT,Y:
section 1. That the City abandon its plans for improving
t{e Streets and paving the streets abutting the atave described
property and adja()ent to the above described property, to-wit: East
First Street from the East line of 3rd Avenue to the East line of
Camevray Road; East Second Street from the .East line of 3rd Aivenue
to tkie past line of 2nd Avenue; :-'est First Street from the ;Jest
line of Causeway iloadto the ,lest line of lmelia Street; West Second
street from the ,lest line of Causeway Road to the East line of Amelia
street; Amelia Street from the south line of ,lest First Street to
a ;Jesterly extension of the South line of Lot lio. Three (3), Block
,a. One (1) , C, F. Jones Addition to the jity of Yelly; Ist Avenue
from the South lice of Liain Streot to the north line of bast Third
.itreet; 3rd ivenue from the ;south line of i ain Street to the 1yorth
line of Last Second Jtreet; Oak street from the !forth line of ,Jest
Nazro street to the South line of ,Jest ,fi gs street; Elm Street
from tl;e north line of .Jest liazro Street to the South line of .Jest
IUEs Street; Eupon :street from the ::orth li¢,e of 3uraine Street to
the South line of Wiest U&a Street; ':Jillou street from the �orth
line of D ralne Street to the south line of ,lest T{azro Jtreet; Ash
Street from tL.e 1.:rth line of Durai-rie Street to the i;orth line of
l�pzro Street; Cedar 3trect from the North line of Lain Jtreet to the
,,outh line of J�aet �iriarn ;itxeet; 'venue a. from tt* North line of
I,:e1n Street to the S oath line of gas t liazro Street; Avenue 13 from
the North line of Lain Jtraet to the south line of an [alley in 3look
ifos. Ten (10) and Eleven (11) in "i cldleto-vn eddition to the City of
Pelly; ;,yenue G from the i•+orth line of ,:ain Street to the :Louth
line of Last ;5azro street; livenue D frora the Yorth line of y-ain
Street to the South line of fright Street; ,peal Street from the :.ast
line of Cedar Street to the ,lest line of Truett :itaeet; and from
the East line of Pruett :.itreet to a -outherly extension of the Last
line of lot No. mine (9), 11lock Uo. Seven (7), L:iddletown .addition
to tihe City of Kelly; +right Street from tiie Last line of Cedar
Street to the ,rest line of revenue 6, and from the mast line of Avenue
C to the West line of 11ruett Street; East hazro Street from the cast
line of Truett street to ;the 'West lime of Goose Creek Street; East
L•iiriam Street from the East right-of-way line of the L.Ouston-:`orth
Shore Railroad to the 'East line of Cedar 3tree.t; ;lest Riggs Street
from the vilest line of Oak Street to the Mast line of Eupon Street;
Oak Street from the north line of 'West Riggs Street to the worth line
of Johnson Street; Johnson Street from the hest line of Oak Street
to the South right-of-way line of the Dayton-Goose Oreek iailroad;
Graham Street from the East line of lruett street to the '.rest line
of Goose Creek Street; Avenue F from the Borth line of :,eal Street
to the 1:ast line of Pruett Street; "venue H from the Worth line of
East Nazro Street to the South line of Graham Street; 'fells Street
froma Southerly extension of the ,Jest line of Lot Ida. Thirteen (1Z)),
Block lion Two (2) , Robertson's Addition to the City of Telly, to the
crest line of Goose Creek street; and nigh Street from a Northerly
extension of the rest line of Lot i�c. TwIve (12), Block l:o. TwO
(c), rtobertson's "ddition to the City of Telly, to the ,lest line of
Gaoae Creek atmeet.
aeotion 2. That all notices and ordinrnces in so far as
they attempt to create liens u ainst the above describedproperty
be au.d they heeby are declared of no effect-
,;eotion 3. That said ordinanoeo ba and remain in fail
foroe and effeat except as to the property above described; and trot
all ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby
expressly repealed as to the above described portion of streets only.
Section 4. That the fact that ordinances previously
passed by the City Commission of the City of Belly apparently create
a paving lien against property abutting on streets that have not
beep, nor dill be, improved or paved under this present street
improvement and paving program to the injury of the owners thereof
areatB9 tin emergency and imperative public necessity requiring the
sLwpenslon of the rule that all ordinances be read at more than one
meeting of the City Commission. Said rule is therefore hereby
3aspenied, and this ordinance placed on its first anf final reading
and passed by a vote of ayes and nays.
SIGNED and approved by the Mayor, attested by the City
Secretary, this the 23rd day of January, a.D. , 1947.
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