2022 06 14 CCPD Minutes MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BAYTOWN CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT June 14, 2022 The Board of Directors of the Baytown Crime Control and Prevention District (CCPD) met in a Special Meeting on Tuesday, June 14,2022, at 4:30 P.M., in the Council Chamber of the Baytown City Hall, 2401 Market Street, Baytown, Texas with the following in attendance: Rikki Wheeler President James Coker Vice President Lloyd J. Herrera Director Nicholas Rice Director Dr. Chris Warford Director Kevin Troller Assistant General Manager Jerris Mapes General Counsel Raquel Martinez Deputy Secretary President Rikki Wheeler convened the June 14, 2022, CCPD Board Special Meeting with a quorum present at 4:30 P.M., all members were present with the exception of Director Loretta White and Director Steele Arthur, who were absent. 1. MINUTES a. Consider approving the minutes of the Baytown Crime Control and Prevention District Regular Meeting held on April 12, 2022. A motion was made by Director Nicholas Rice and seconded by Director Lloyd J. Herrera to approve the minutes of the Baytown Crime Control and Prevention District Regular Meeting held on April 12, 2022, as submitted. The vote was as followed: Ayes: President Rikki Wheeler,Director Lloyd J.Herrera,Director Nicholas Rice, Vice President James Coker, and Director Dr. Chris Warford Nays: None Other: Director Loretta White(Absent) Director Steele Arthur(Absent) Approved 2. BAYTOWN CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT FY 2022-23 PROPOSED BUDGET a. Discuss the Baytown Crime Control and Prevention District's Fiscal Year 2022-23 Proposed Budget and budget process. CCPD Board Special Meeting Minutes June 14,2022 Page 2 of 4 Assistant General Manager Kevin Troller introduced the item to the CCPD Board and wanted to inform the Directors that they have taken into account their comments regarding the budget throughout the past year, and commended the Finance Department for their efforts. Mr. Troller briefly went over the proposed budget handout given to the Board and noted they removed the personnel budget line as that is a general fund expenditure. He then guided the Directors to turn to page 3 of the budget report,to review the revenues and expenditures for the District. He noted that the expenditures were over about $750,000, and indicated that anything that would be at fund balance at the end of the fiscal year,would be transferred to the Unforeseen/New Initiatives budget line so the District can expend the funds throughout the year. On page 4, the Directors could see the itemization of the $3.1 million in terms of wearing apparel, minor tools, educational supplies, capital outlay, etc. He reiterated that there was $496,861 for any Unforeseen/New Initiatives that allowed the District to utilize the funds throughout the year. Mr. Troller then deferred to Police Chief John Stringer to continue their presentation of the budget to the District. Chief Stringer gave an opening statement on how transferring the personnel funds to the general fund was important to the Baytown Police Department ("BPD"), in terms of recruiting. Chief Stringer thanked the CCPD for considering the proposed budget and stated it would also allow the BPD to make sure the funds would be used for crime reduction and a lot of the equipment would help BPD be a force multiplier. The items under the Machinery and Equipment Maintenance budget, such as the Flock Safety License Plate Readers, MDTs, etc.,puts more eyes in areas of the community that they can target and pinpoint where they may be having higher incentives of criminal activity, traffic enforcement issues, traffic crashes, which are all directly related to both property crime and violent crime statistics so as they reduce one, they begin to reduce the others. Therefore, it would allow BPD to be put out in to more areas of the City without having a cop on every corner. Mr. Troller inquired if Chief Stringer had anything more to say on vehicles and equipment as they have budgeted $1.8 million for twenty-two replacement vehicles and three mule replacements. Both Mr. Troller and President Wheeler shared that they had received positive comments about patrols along the park with those mules and four-wheelers. Chief Stringer, likewise, had received positive comments and noted that led into the Strategic Plan for the Police Department as far as transparency and community policing. If BDP could get more of those pieces of equipment, it would give officers the opportunity to stop and talk more with the community. Also, the ATVs/UTVs equipment allowed officers to go to places where they normally would not be able to, where foot patrol may not be practical simply due to that being a large area to cover. Chief Stringer lastly noted that the equipment would also make parks, green ways, and trails safer,which helps push the criminal element out of the area as well and improves quality of life. President Wheeler requested if it could be considered displaying "paid for by the CCPD" on the equipment that was out in the public in order to help with the reelection of the District to make people aware of the benefit. Chief Stringer replied that of the twenty vehicles BPD was looking to get out of the proposed budget, they would put "this vehicle was paid for by CPPD tax funds." It goes to say that they have to put a police officer in the vehicle in order for it to be useful so it is inexplicably tied to a human resource as well as that vehicle that has all of the extra equipment that is helping them not only prevent but also fight crime. There was further discussion on that note and also on favoring having that message on those vehicles for election purposes. Chief Stringer believed it was important for citizens to know what they were getting for their money. CCPD Board Special Meeting Minutes June 14,2022 Page 3 of 4 Subsequently, Chief Stringer proceeded to speak on the reduction of violent crime due to some of the new initiatives and at the last meeting Assistant Chief Whitaker spoke to the District on the restructuring of the BPD, one of which created a new Special Investigations Division. Chief Stringer indicated he created a Violent Crimes Initiative that he will be putting out to BPD, and has had Lieutenant Crowell, Assistant Chief Whitaker, and the other two Assistant Police Chiefs reviewing it as well, which is an all-inclusive Violent Crimes Initiative which works with all of the elements in their department, as well as federal, state, and local law enforcement partners so they begin to focus on the leaders of criminal activity in and around Baytown, they will go after that. He noted part of the funds the department was acquiring, as well as the assets, would be put directly into that effort and the Violent Crimes Initiative. President Wheeler inquired if the funds the CCPD had acquired for Special Weapons and Tactics ("SWAT") had been rolled into whatever the CCPD was paying out for the last couple of years. Chief Stringer believed the funds were being set aside for SWAT because every three to five years BPD had to come up with a new equipment issue for body armor and he confirmed it was being utilized for that purpose. Director Dr. Warford questioned how many mules did BPD currently have and Chief Stringer believed BPD had two mules and was not sure of how many ATVs or four-wheelers they had. President Wheeler knew the CCPD bought eight at one time a couple years ago and knew there were at least two mules. Director Dr. Warford asked if those listed in the proposed budget would be additional and Chief Stringer replied those would be replacements and the old ones would be put up for auction. Vice President Coker inquired on the purpose for the $360,322 budgeted amount under AXON BWC, In Car Video, Taser and Interview Room and Chief Stringer responded the AXON was a three- or five-year contract and is payable in increments of$360,000, but it was also a bundle so it also included video equipment and control energy weapons as well. Director Rice wondered if the AXON was an in-car camera and Chief Stringer responded it was both an in-car and body camera with a few more provisions, such as storage in the cloud owned by BPD and paid for by the CCPD. On the vehicles, Director Dr. Warford asked if the proposed budget was an estimated number or a hard number. Chief Stringer answered it was a hard number and further discussed BPD's collaboration with the Finance Department to get the number of vehicles ahead of time so they can get them ordered since their dealer has to get all of the police package orders by the second or third week of May; otherwise, they would be picking up the leftovers of what other agencies across the area and across the nation are not getting. Chief Stringer thanked the Finance Department as BPD was two years behind in receiving the vehicles. Director Dr. Warford questioned if BPD had those vehicles now and Chief Stringer answered BPD had twenty vehicles prepared for shipment that are in Texas, on ground, to a BPD facility. Mr. Troller made a note of the herculean efforts of Chief Stringer and the Finance team for all their hard work done during budget season. Director Rice recalled a discussion about saving for upcoming elections on last year's budget and questioned if that was in the proposed budget for the current year. Mr. Troller confirmed that was on the General Fund side and would not be paid with CCPD funds. To close the item, Chief Stringer gave a few more words of appreciation to the District and the Finance department. CCPD Board Special Meeting Minutes June 14,2022 Page 4 of 4 3. REPORTS a. Receive the Baytown Crime Control and Prevention District Quarterly Financial and Investment Reports for the Quarter Ending March 31, 2022. Finance Director Victor Brownlees gave the Quarterly Financial and Investment Report to the CCPD and stated it was estimated there would be $2.3 million in revenues for the current year end—$300,000 more than the previous budget. Mr. Brownlees projected $2.4 million in revenues for the next year, but hoped it would be better, due to the state of the economy. If the City did better, Finance would come back to the CCPD and see if there was more money to spend. 4. MANAGER'S REPORT a. The next Baytown Crime Control and Prevention District meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 12, 2022, at 4:30 P.M., in the Council Chamber located at City Hall, 2401 Market Street, Baytown,Texas 77520. Assistant General Manager Kevin Troller thanked the CCPD Directors for volunteering and serving the City, and thanked staff for their part in the budget process. As President Wheeler mentioned in previous discussion, their next meeting in July would have two public hearings regarding the CCPD budget, which is scheduled for Tuesday, July 12, 2022, at 4:30 P.M., in the Council Chamber. 5. ADJOURN With there being no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Director Lloyd J. Herrera and seconded by Director Dr. Chris Warford to adjourn the June 14, 2022, CCPD Board Special Meeting at 4:49 P.M. The vote was as follows: Ayes: President Rikki Wheeler,Director Lloyd J.Herrera,Director Nicholas Rice, Vice President James Coker, and Director Dr. Chris Warford Nays: None Other: Director Loretta White(Absent) Director Steele Arthur(Absent) Approved \\ w s I.• ~ 4 ,1/ Angela J.t kson, Acting Secr II City of Baytown • ram,, .T• t ' t`,�` ''� ftttlllltt�