Ordinance No. 15,165 ORDINANCE NO. 15,165 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS,AUTHORIZING CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 FOR THE WEST DISTRICT WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT SECOND FEED PROJECT WITH T CONSTRUCTION L.L.C., IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED NINETY THOUSAND AND NO.'100 DOLLARS ($90,000.00); AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. ****************************************************************************** BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, does hereby authorize Change Order No. 2 for the West District Wastewater Treatment Plant Second Feed Project with T Construction L.L.C., in an amount not to exceed NINETY THOUSAND AND NO:'100 DOLLARS ($90,000.00). A copy of said change order is attached hereto,marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 2: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown this the l Ith day of August, 2022. -� ON CAPtTZILLO, ayor ATTEST: o�Ip,YT061'� ANGELA J CKSONaCI APPROVED AS O SCOTT LEMdNp, City Attorney RAKaren Anderson.ORDINANCES\2022\2022.08.1I.ChangeOrderNo.2-WDWTPSecondFeedProject.docx EXHIBIT "Ail CITY OF BAYTOWN J PUBLIC WORKS& ENGINEERING 2123 Market St. Baytown,Texas 77520 (W17TO CHANGE ORDER For WEST DISTRICT WWTP SECOND FEED Date of Issuance: 4129/2022 Change Order No.: 2 Contractor: T Construction CoB Project No.: SS2101 Designer: Culp Engineering P.O. No.: 2201605 Explanation: This change order encompasses the following: Contractor is directed to install four(4)air release valves with manholes, as shown on the drawings. It is understood that only two air release valves were included in the bid schedule(Bid Item 14:$45,000 each), but four are shown on the Drawings.This change order increases the contract price by$90,000($45,000 x 2)to pay for two additional air release valves with manholes and related appurtenances. Description of Work Cost Time 1 Two additional air release valves a $45,0000 each. $ 90,000.00 0 Days 2 $ - Days 3 $ - Days 4 $ - Days Please attach back-up documentation Cost& Time Change Summary Cost Time Original Contract: $ 3,193,516.00 319 Days Previous Change Order(s): $ 702,556.00 120 Days Contract prior to this change order: $ 3,896,072.00 439 Days Net increase(decrease) from this change order $ 90,000.00 0 Days Revised Contract: $ 3,986,072.00 439 Days Finance Approval: Date: RECOMMENDED: RECOMMENDED: By. DA: r� Date: ()712W2022 Design t--ngmccr Director of public Works R L•nginccnng _. ACCEPTED*: APPROVED: By: a Date: Dy'�-Z Z By: Date: ontraclor Cm Manager 'Contractor agrees to perform changcys>included in this Change Order for the price and time indicated The prices for changes included all costs associaud with this Change Order No work is to be done until this change order is executed No payment to the Contractor for Consultant)shall be made for work included in the change order until the Contractues pad estimate is updated Revise the project plans and specifications as referenced and insofar as the original project drawings and specifications are inconsistent this Change Order governs Upon execution b)all parties,the following changes identified for the contract value and/or contract time shown are made part of the contract Project Manager T, rn,ac4At 07-13-2022 Construction Manager Construction I or 1 13-2022 D16 ReN iced 2020 z Q T CONSTRUCTION, L.L.C. 12605 McNair St ' Houston,Texas 77015 ' Ph,832-582.8420 ' Fx.832582-8421 April 19,2022 City of Baytown Att.Mr. Neil Bamsdale 10375 Richmond Ave,Suite 1625 Houston TX 77042 RE:RFI#9—Additional Air Release Valves Mr.Bamsdale, T Construction,LLC is pleased to provide a proposal for performing"Installation of Two Additional Air Release Valves"the following is a breakdown of cost; Ori anal Contract Item ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT I CITY I UNIT PRICE EXTENDED 14 Furnish and Install Air Release Valve EA 2 $45,000.00 $90,000.00 including all parts and 5'manhole,Complete in Place Total $90,000.00 This price includes Mobilization,Labor,Equipment,Material,Trench Safety,Confined Space Entry and Supervision, If you have any questions,please don't hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Reference item 14 on the attached bid form. The unit price bid for each Sir Release Valve Manhole is $45,000. ram, h orb Brandon Flores Project Manager T Construction,LLC Phone:(832)582-8420 Fax:(832)582-8421 Email:bflores0tconstructionllc.com Accepted By:_. _W _ _ Date: Title. 1oft West Dtstrkt Wastewater Treatment plant Second Feed(87971962) Owner City of Baytown i 4 Sobdtor•City of Baytown I I 10/07/20ZI 0230 PM CDT T Conslructlon Seal"Title lung item Iron Cede Hem Description UeBN [Unit Puce liftrolen General Hams 1 1505 Protect Mobiisatlah,Not to Exceed 3%of the Total Bid LS 1 S95 000.00 $SS.000.00 2 INS SWPPP Maintenance d Inspection,Complete In Plate 1 $15000.00 $25,110D.00 3 IS66 Concme Truck Washout.Instatiatior,Maintenance,and Removal ---- EA 1 58,500.00 AO'Smoc Install and Remove Inks Protection Barriers on Thompson View Dr MMwmpson 4 1566 Park Drive,as Directed by Engineer,Complete In Place EA 16 SBO.oO $1.2ftoo 5 Ism Install and Remove Back-Slope Intercepter Inlet protection Banters EA 4 SS00.00 $2,000.00 -- 5 1S65 Insalland Remove Reinforced Niter fabric Fence.Complete in Plate LF I SI00 5175 58 25.00 7 ISSO Instal and Remove Stabilized Corutrvetlon Erdt,Complete In Place EA 1 21 S18.000.00 $36,000.00 Sukhm Sewer 8 1S70 Furnish and Install Trench Safety for Sanitary Sewer Comstroc0on,Complete In Plato _ LF 8097 $2.00 516,194.00 Additional Cost for 64nch Seal Slab In the event that weak sags are confirmed by the Be 2313 Testing laboratory,and the Testing tabortory,recommends a seal stab Seal Slab must be authorized JIVEfneer and City project Manager prior to imptemenadon. CF 2000 $29.00 578 000.00 Furnish and Instal 26'IPS OR 17 HOPE filack with Green Stripes)Sanitary Sewer Pipe 9 02138,02532S,02533 1 nduding BackRil,HeuncMn&IS,Bedding&Embedment Foundations As Required, 1F 7300 $17S.00 S1,:77,500.00 Furnish and IWA 30'IPS OR 13 HOPE(Black with Green Stripes)SanitarV Sewer pipe 9A 02138,02532S,02S33 .ndudkng Backf%HauncMng,IS Be"&Embedment Foundations As Required, LF 600 $250.00 Sig000.00 30 02532S Furnish and Install 26'IPS DR 17 45 Degree Bend with Thrust Black,Complete In Place FA 20 SLU20D.00 $24000 OD 11 02S32S Furnish and Install 26'IPS OR 1712 5 Degree Turn with Thrust Block,Complete In Place EA 4 $2A00A0 58,000.o0 Ile 01S32S Furnish and Install 30'IPS OR 13 35 Degree Turn and Thrust Black,Complete In Place EA 2 $2,630.00 $S 260.00 11C 02532S Furnish and In"30'IPS DR 13 SS Degree Turn and Thrust Block,Complete In Plato EA 2 $3 12.00 $6,024.00 Furnish and Innall 26',PS DR 17 x 30•IPS DR 13 PVC Reducer with Tlcust Block 110 2534 Complete In Place EA 8 S2 005.00 16,0/0.00 12 241S Furnish,Install,Bore,and lack 36'ID Steel Pipe Cnh g wlth RACI Spacers Under Thompson Park Drive Cam late In Place LF 1 $92S.00 SI571SO.00 13 2415 Additional Cost for Bore and lack under 6dsting Driveways or Open cut with R rem of Eats Orwewa at Uean n New GuH Coast Pro LF 14S %00.00 S87 00D.00 Fumis and Insa Air R4laase Valve Including all parts and S'manhole,Complete In 1/ 25a1 Plea .A 2 $45000.00 S90000.00 15 OZS34,02S33 Furnish Install Connection to Existing 16'Sanitary Sewer Force Main Including 90 Bend Thrust Blor1c and Mechanical JoiftIL Complele In Pace EA 1 $6.9/60D 916.00 16 02S34,02533 Furnish and Install Connection to Eldsting 20'Sanitary Sewar Force Main Including 90 Degree Bend Thrust 81ock and Mechanical Jolat,Complete In Pace EA I $9,38S 00 59J45.00 Furnish and Install 26'PVC Force Main Cap or Plug at Cut end of Proposed 17 2S34 Connection,Complete InPlace EA 1 S 495.00 $ /95.00 Furnish and Install 10'PVC Force Main Cap or Plug at Cut end of Proposed is 2S34 Connection,Complete In Place EA I 1 $3175.00 53 175.00 Fumish and Instal 16'C90S PVC DR 18 Sanitary Sewer(Back with Green Strlpesl for 19 02318,02533,02S34 Force Main Including BackRp,Haunchkng,and Bedding&Embedment Foundations As Required,Complete In Place LF 47 SISO.00 S7 050.00 Furnish and Instal 20'C90S PVC DR 18 Sanitary Sewer(Black with Green Stripes)for 20 02318,02533,02S34 Force Main Including Baddill,Haunching,and Bedding 8,Embedment Foundations As Required,Complete InPlace LF 71 $200.00 $14,200.00 Furnish and Install 24'C90S PVC DR 18 Sanitary Sewer(Black with Green Stripes)for 21 02318,02S33,02S34 Force Main Including BackRB,Haunrhkg,and Bedding&Embedment Foundations As Required,Complete In Place LF 79 $275.00 $21,725.00 Furnish and Install 16'C90S 0918 PVC 22S Degree Bend with Thrust Black, 22 2534 Complete In Mace FA 1 $3 28.00 E3,228.00 Furnish and Install 20'22.5 Degree C90S OR 18 PVC Bend with Thrust Block, 23 2S34 Complete In Place EA 1E14445.000 f4,44S.00 24 2534 Furnish and Install 16'k20'PVC Reducer with Thrust Black,Complete In Place EA 1 $3.670.00 25 2S34 Furnish and Install 20'a24'PVC Reducer with Thrust Block Complete In Place EA 2 $10.380.00 Furnish and Install 24'PVC a 26'IPS HOPE OR 17 Adaptor with Thrust Stock. 26 1534 Compk[einPlxeEA 2 S14100.00 Furnish and Instal 36'Connection to Edstlng Sanitary Sewer Manhole In Wastewater 27 2S30 Treatment Plant FA 1 SL42S.00 S1.4Z5.00 Furnish and Instal B'Diameter Sanitary So-ei Manhole,Up to 10'Depth,Complete 28 2542 In Place EA 1 S3S.ODOAO 03 000.00 Furnish and Install 8'Diameter Sanitary Sewer Manhole,Up to 22'Depth,Complete 29 2S42 In place EA 3 $7097S.00 f70 75.00 30 01530,015325 Furnish and Install 36'PVC Gravity Sewer Connection&2.26'IPS OR 17 Force Main Connection to Force Main ZKhM Structure Coffoate in Pace EA 1 $47 .00 S47 .o0 (Table Continues on Next Page) 00300 Furnish and Install Force Man Discharge Slucture per Plan shuts 410-4.12. 31 033W.03310.D3600 Complete In Plan EA 1 5225,000.00 $225 000.00 Furnish and Instal 36'PVC Gravity Sanitary Sewer(Block with Green Stripes) 32 02318,02s80,02534 Constructed 20-W Deep within Wet Sand Environment Including Baddll,Haunching, and Bedding a Embedment Foundations As Required,Complete In Place LF 500 $500.00 $M000.00 33 IS" Groundwater Control Setup per Spec 015"IncludbM Design Plan by Engineer EA 1 25 .00 $25,000.00 34 IS64 Daily Charlie for Groundwater Control per Spec OIS64 OA S S4.SW.00 1 $24000.00 Remove and Replace portion of Concrete DAvaway Pavement In Wastewater 3S 2M Treatment Plant at Connection to Existing Manhole per Sheet 2.11,Complete In Place SF 1247 $I8.00 $22 4/6.00 36 02632,03320,02628 Remove and Replace Portion of 6'Concrete Overflow From Detention Facility, reWr or to Bove under it,Complete In Place CYOS i6 SSO0.00 $2 .00 37 02632,03310,02628 ReplaceNUCOUrban Back Slope Interceptors Da Construction EA 3 $7,495.00 S22,WU0 38 IS62 Of s1te Disposal of Spoils from Excavation CYOS 13608 SS.75 $78 246.00 39 02534.03600 Eawate Pipe,Fumbh and Install Two 16-PVC Force Main Cap or Plug,Install 603 d of Grmst,ReM Ree%Wsh Ventation,Complete in Place EA 1 $3S 780.0o $3S,780.00 40 O1S34.0360t1 Exwate Pipe,Furnish and Install Two 2W PVC Force Main Cap or Plug,Install 3052 d of Grout Refill Re-establish VeneWIM Complete In Place EA 1 542.890.00 542 890.00 Traffic Control 41 SSSS implementation of Traffic Control and Regulations Includinx Flamm ILS I 3 I 516,805.00 16 .00 Restoration Ol I7)0 She Restoration w/Replace Existing 6'Concrete Curb as Necessary In Driveways and ROW LF 100 $12.00 $1.2W.00 43 IS63 Site Restoration-Remove Oak and Crepe Myrtle from Utility Easement,Re-plant onto Owner Property,Complete In Place EA 12 $1,050.00 $1260000 44 2912 SRe Restoration w/Sodding$'of ROW along Impacted Private Properties along Thompson New Drive complete in Place LF 620 S600 $3,720.00 4S 2921 Site Restoration w/Hydromukh Seeding of Non-Sodded Areas Impacted by Work, Complete in Place AC S.6 57.82S.O0 1 $10220.00 46 2770 Site Restoration w/Replace/Repair Curb of Ftowerlwd as needed,Complete In Waco LF 120 $9.00 51,080.00 47 2821 Furnish and Instal IS'Wide x 8'High Lockable Security Gates,Complete In Place EA 3 54,130.00 $12 390.00 48 2821 Replacement 8'Mlgh Chain Unk Fence Similar to ExW ft Fencing,Complete In Place 1F 58 $34.00 SI972.00 49 2821 Removal and Disposal of Chain Unk Fence to Facilitate Entry Into the Detention Facilitv and Wastewater Treatment Plant,Complete in Place LF 4S $9.00 .00 Sawcut,remove,dowel,and replace edsting 7-Inch concrete pavement with 83 SO 02220,02980 dowels at 18'C-C both directions and 6'subgrade with equivalent pavement and see rade on Teal Thompson tract Complete In Place SF 30WI SIS.001 S4S,000.00 and Pothole .Signs S1 1580 ISfardNotice Holder for SWPP Notice,Complete In Place EA 11 58 000.00 1 58,000.00 S2 IS80 CRY of Baytown Construction Notification Sign at Thompson Road and Thompson Park OrNt Corrugate In P EA 2 $2,30,00 S2 300.00 S3 Excavate Open Cut Pet Hole to Determine Depth of Backsiope Intereceptor, NA _LComplete in Place EA 1 3 Sl 235.00 $3,nS.00 Base Bid Total: $3,193,516.00