2022 01 11 CCPD Minutes MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BAYTOWN CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT January 11, 2022 The Board of Directors of the Baytown Crime Control and Prevention District (CCPD) met in a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, January 11, 2022, at 4:31 P.M., in the Council Chamber of the Baytown City Hall, 2401 Market Street, Baytown, Texas with the following in attendance: Rikki Wheeler President James Coker Vice President Lloyd J. Herrera Director Nicholas Rice Director Dr. Chris Warford Director Rick Davis General Manager Jerris Mapes General Counsel Angela Jackson Secretary President Rikki Wheeler convened the January 11, 2022, CCPD Board Regular Meeting with a quorum present at 4:31 P.M., all members were present with exception of the absence of Director Steele Arthur. 1. MINUTES a. Consider approving the minutes of the Baytown Crime Control and Prevention District Regular Meeting held on October 12, 2021. A motion was made by Vice President James Coker and seconded by Director Dr. Chris Warford to approve the minutes of the Baytown Crime Control and Prevention District Regular Meeting held on October 12, 2021, as submitted with corrections. The vote was as followed: Ayes: President Rikki Wheeler, Vice President James Coker, Director Lloyd J. Herrera, Director Nicholas Rice, and Director Dr. Chris Warford Nays: None Other: Director Steele Arthur(Absent) Approved 2. PROPOSED RESOLUTIONS a. Consider a resolution authorizing the Agreement for Officers and Equipment with the City of Baytown. CCPD Board Regular Meeting Minutes January 11,2022 Page 2 of 6 President Wheeler clarified item 2.a. was the agreement between the CCPD Board and the City of Baytown to provide the services of the Board. President Wheeler voiced her concern with certain verbiage under Section 2, Description of Programs, as the term"equipment"was not stated; thus, she presumed they could not move forward with future equipment purchases. Interim City Attorney Trevor Fanning explained the item already had the City Council's approval and was drafted by their former City Attorney Karen Horner based upon the Board's approved Strategic Plan of May 2020. President Wheeler further elaborated the Board's main focus was on personnel due to the Board not having extra funds for equipment at that time. Mr. Fanning imparted that it did state"technology"which could possibly include equipment, and General Manager Rick Davis added they had made similar purchases in the past. However,President Wheeler countered she did not remember it ever being worded in that way. She knew they previously done that because they did not have funds for additional equipment in that budget year. Mr. Fanning reiterated the reason for the different wording was due to the Board's approved strategic plan in the past. President Wheeler summarized that the verbiage was her only concern in regards to future equipment purchases. Mr. Fanning replied in the case of that event,they could always amend their interlocal agreement. President Wheeler queried if—under Finance—"equipment" could be considered"technology"which the Assistant Director of Finance Gina Guillory informed it could. General Counsel Jerris Maps asked for further clarification by giving the example of there being a need to order ASP, which did not fall under technology. Mr. Fanning responded they would then have to amend. Director Coker commented that it would be nice to have everything said and done upfront without the need to amend in the future. President Wheeler noted it would then have to go before Council, and General Manager Rick Davis commented the agreement was likely to be amended anyway in the near future related to the transfer of personnel. If the Council was open to that, Mr. Davis relayed they could do other clean up at that time, but that the agreement was good to go for the present moment. Ms. Guillory, in representation of the Finance Department, noted she could not speak on behalf of the legal aspects of the agreement, but that those funds had already been approved by the Board and Council in the budget; therefore, they could go ahead and make that transaction. She further clarified that their decision on this item would not impact the following two items. A motion was made by Director Nicholas Rice and seconded by Director Dr. Chris Warford to approve Resolution No. 77, related to item 2.a. The vote was as follows: Ayes: President Rikki Wheeler, Vice President James Coker, Director Lloyd J. Herrera, Director Nicholas Rice, and Director Dr. Chris Warford Nays: None Other: Director Steele Arthur(Absent) Approved CCPD Board Regular Meeting Minutes January 11,2022 Page 3 of 6 RESOLUTION NO. 77 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BAYTOWN CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE PRESIDENT TO EXECUTE AND THE SECRETARY TO ATTEST TO AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR OFFICERS AND EQUIPMENT WITH THE CITY OF BAYTOWN;AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. b. Consider a resolution approving an amendment to the Baytown Crime Control and Prevention District FY2021-2022 budget to reprogram funds for the sole source purchase of eighteen (18) license plate recognition cameras (LPR) and installation from Flock Group Inc., d/b/a Flock Safety. Chief of Police John Stringer presented the item and stated that the eighteen license plate recognition cameras would be installed throughout the city which would allow them to continue to keep up with the activity on the streets related to violent crime. The cameras would help them not only detect but hopefully deter and prevent some of the criminal activity they are beginning to see,and serve as a great tool for criminal investigations in helping track the movement of offenders in and out of Baytown. President Wheeler commented of the rising influx of illegal paper tags which Mr. Stringer confirmed the cameras would help them recognize specific tag numbers and send alerts to investigators and patrol officers. Director Herrera asked if the cameras were portable, and Mr. Stringer confirmed they were. Director Coker asked for further clarification of their portability in comparison to the traditional ones you see in the entryway of a neighborhood that are mounted on a pole with a solar panel. Assistant Chief of Police Mike Holden responded that the new cameras were not permanent and much smaller,which in turn allowed them to move the cameras around as needed. Director Coker additionally inquired if the item was an annual purchase or agreement. Mr. Holden answered the item was the initial purchase and that afterward there would then be an annual subscription. A motion was made by Director James Coker and seconded by Director Lloyd J. Herrera to approve Resolution No. 78, related to item 2.b. The vote was as follows: Ayes: President Rikki Wheeler, Vice President James Coker, Director Lloyd J. Herrera, Director Nicholas Rice, and Director Dr. Chris Warford Nays: None Other: Director Steele Arthur(Absent) Approved RESOLUTION NO. 78 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BAYTOWN CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT AMENDING THE CCPD Board Regular Meeting Minutes January 11,2022 Page 4 of 6 BAYTOWN CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT'S FISCAL YEAR 2021-2022 BUDGET BY REPROGRAMMING FORTY-NINE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($49,500.00) FROM CONTINGENCY/NEW INITIATIVES (20601-99002) TO MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT (20601-73042) FOR THE PURCHASE OF EIGHTEEN (18) LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION (LPR) CAMERAS AND INSTALLATION; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. c. Consider a resolution approving an amendment to the Baytown Crime Control and Prevention District FY2021-2022 budget to reprogram funds for the purchase of seventeen (17) B.E Meyers MAWL-DA(Modular Advanced Weapon Laser—Direct Action) IR/visible laser systems for the Baytown Police SWAT team from Down Range Thermal, through the competitive bid process. Chief of Police John Stringer relayed these were laser designators that were used for night vision googles by their SWAT team. Director Coker requested clarification on the product being purchased and Chief Stringer indicated that the laser system adapts to the night-vision goggles so the officers are able to view what they are aiming at or scan in low light conditions. Director Coker asked if there were a total of seventeen Baytown police officers on the SWAT team and Chief Stringer and Assistant Chief Holden confirmed there were. President Wheeler then wanted to ensure they were not impeding their current investments they had set aside for SWAT, which Ms. Guillory confirmed from the audience that they were not. A motion was made by Vice President James Coker and seconded by Director Nicholas Rice to approve Resolution No. 79, related to item 2.c. The vote was as follows: Ayes: President Rikki Wheeler, Vice President James Coker, Director Lloyd J. Herrera, Director Nicholas Rice, and Director Dr. Chris Warford Nays: None Other: Director Steele Arthur(Absent) Approved RESOLUTION NO. 79 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BAYTOWN CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT AMENDING THE BAYTOWN CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT'S FISCAL YEAR 2021-2022 BUDGET BY REPROGRAMMING FORTY-SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED EIGHTY-THREE AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($47,583.00) FROM CONTINGENCY/NEW INITIATIVES (20601-99002) TO MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT (20601-73042) FOR THE PURCHASE OF SEVENTEEN (17) B.E. MEYERS MAWL-DA (MODULAR ADVANCED CCPD Board Regular Meeting Minutes January 11,2022 Page 5 of 6 WEAPON LASER - DIRECT ACTION) IR/VISIBLE LASER SYSTEMS FOR THE BAYTOWN POLICE SWAT TEAM; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. 3. REPORTS a. Presentation of the Baytown Crime Control and Prevention District Street Crime Unit and Commercial Vehicle Enforcement(CVE) statistical report. Chief of Police John Stringer imparted the report and began with the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Unit. In comparison to the previous month, Mr. Stringer noted the numbers were down due to personnel attendance issues;however, they were now up to full staff and in full force. With the Street Crimes Fourth Quarter Report, Chief Stringer relayed they did have an officer that was out on extended light duty for a medical condition. He further stated they were still in progress with the number of contacts they had on the streets. During the latter part of the year, there was a dip in the stats which could again be attributed to staffs attendance due to the holidays, COVID, and other illnesses. President Wheeler commented there was a new Sergeant on the CVE. Chief Stringer affirmed so and noted that Sergeant Davis and his team would be rebranded as the Traffic Management Team, which will include the CVE function. Chief Stringer then expanded on the team's work on the roads, especially high traffic intersections, and impacted areas of violent crime especially in the areas of Baker and Garth Road. 4. MANAGER'S REPORT a. The next Baytown Crime Control and Prevention District meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April, 12, 2022, at 4:30 P.M., in the Council Chamber located at City Hall, 2401 Market Street, Baytown, Texas 77520. General Manager Rick Davis reported they were continuing to move forward with the construction of the Public Safety Facility and that in the following Council Meeting they would consider approving the second change order. In February, Council would also approve additional change orders for the construction of the Administration Building. Mr. Davis commented there was a lot of action to come in following month and year. In conclusion,Mr.Davis reminded the members that their next CCPD regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April, 12, 2022, at 4:30 P.M. 5. ADJOURN A motion was made by Vice President James Coker and seconded by Director Dr. Chris Warford to adjourn the January 11, 2022, CCPD Board Regular Meeting at 4:49 P.M. The vote was as follows: CCPD Board Regular Meeting Minutes January 11,2022 Page 6 of 6 Ayes: President Rikki Wheeler, Vice President James Coker, Director Lloyd J. Herrera, Director Nicholas Rice, and Director Dr. Chris Warford Nays: None Other: Director Steele Arthur(Absent) Approved tot, is gigot, Angela Ja son, Acting Secretary = City of Baytown z : .